
Thursday, January 17, 2013

Satanists Plan Rally for Florida Governor

Remember friends, the liberals will keep telling us that, "Everyone worships the same god...they are all just using different names!"

This is their world view and this is how they come to the conclusion that Muslims, Buddhists, Scientologists, Mormons, etc...are all worshipping the same god as Christians and Jews.

So I really wonder if these headlines will make the liberals scratch their heads??

Satanists planning rally for Florida Gov. Rick Scott

Florida Gov. Rick Scott may have earned himself a new constituency, but the devil is in the details.

Local news site reported that a group of Satanists plans to hold a rally outside Scott's office on Jan. 25 to support the governor’s signing of a bill that allows students to pray at school events.

"We've gotten such a response, it's just impossible for me to know what that translates into," Satanic Temple spokesman Lucien Greaves told WPBF, regarding how many will show up at the rally.

“You don’t build up your membership unless people know about you,” Greaves said in a separate interview with the Palm Beach Post. “So this allows us to get our message out in public. We’re hoping it will reduce the stigmatism.”

The Satanic Temple was launched in 2012 with what Greaves described as being “more or less an online community.”

The group’s website describes itself as being different from other, better-known Satanic organizations. Greaves said the rally is part of a larger ongoing effort at making the group’s beliefs more commonplace in mainstream discussions of religion and belief. From the website:

“Though we have far to go before public education leads to a mainstream embrace of our Satanic religion, we feel that our own public ‘coming out’ will go a long way toward raising the consciousness of the populace … and the social environment has never yet been better prepared for the welcoming of a new Satanic era.”

"The Satanic Temple embraces the free expression of religion, and Satanists are happy to show their support of Rick Scott who -- particularly with SB 98 -- has reaffirmed our American freedom to practice our faith openly, allowing our Satanic children the freedom to pray in school," the release continues.

So where does Satan come in? The temple believes he is "God's proxy" on Earth and represents the central role of knowledge and wisdom in life.

"Satan was the force of design that urged humanity toward refined pleasures of the Arts and Sciences," according the web site. "It was He who first brought the fruit of knowledge to Humankind that thereafter we might live not as naked brutes in the wild, but develop our cultural splendor into ever more aesthetically and technologically advanced heights."


And here;

It makes you wonder if Satanists asked to be present at the National Cathedral to be involved in Obama's inauguration could anyone say "no" to that?

If Obama is the Liberal in Chief and believes that ALL RELIGIONS ARE equally could he say NO?

You see friends, once a society comes to the conclusion that there is NO TRUTH...but that TRUTH IS WHATEVER YOU BELIEVE....then the foundations of society will come apart rather quickly.

"I worship the goddess of Aphrodite.  We demand that you allow us to have Temple prostitutes to worship her!"

"I worship Allah, the one god who has no helpers and we demand that you give us jobs that don't require the handling of pork, alcohol or talking to Jews."

"I worship Satan who is the Prince of this Earth and we demand that you allow us to share equally in the prayer opportunities of high school commencements and Presidential inaugurations."

"I worship Mork from Ork and he demands that we watch gay-porn 5 times per day with the TV facing the east."

The list goes on and on. 

Lord help us, for we know not what we do!

Hat tip to Tony E. and Becky M.

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