
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Israel Bombs Syria

Remember back in 2006 when Israeli warplanes went deep into Syria and blew up a nuclear facility that Syria had been secretly working on?

Syria didn't say anything.  In fact lots of nations probably sent the Israeli Prime Minister chocolates...including Saudi Arabia and other Muslim nations who DON'T want to get into an Arab arms race.

Today, Syria is involved in a brutal civil war and the horrendous murder stories coming out on a daily basis remind us all of what happens when the demons of war get let loose.  Mankind becomes the most vicious and brutal killer on the planet.

Other nations have warned The West to not get involved in Syria's conflict.  Iran has even said that they would consider it an act of war if The West or Israel were to get involved.

So I wonder how today's news might stir the pot....

JERUSALEM — Israeli warplanes carried out a strike deep inside Syrian territory on Wednesday, American officials reported, saying they believed the target was a convoy carrying sophisticated antiaircraft weaponry on the outskirts of Damascus that was intended for the Hezbollah Shiite militia in Lebanon.

The officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said the Israelis had notified the Americans about the attack, which the Syrian government called an act of “Israeli arrogance and aggression” that raised the risks that the two-year-old civil conflict in Syria could spread beyond the country’s borders.

In a statement, the Syrian military said a scientific research facility in the Damascus suburbs had been hit and denied that a convoy had been the target.
Israeli officials declined to comment on the airstrike. But they have been warning that they are monitoring the possible movement of weapons in the Syrian conflict, including chemical weapons, and would take action to thwart any possible transfers into Hezbollah’s possession.
Poor Arabs....they are still trying to figure out how to make a decent slingshot and their Jewish cousins are flying high-tech bombing runs into the surrounding Arab nations at will.
That has to be maddening.
Do we see anything good coming out of the Syrian civil war?
Nope...look at Egypt.  That's what we can expect will come to Syria once they are done butchering each other for control of the country.
I heard a reporter this morning ask someone, "Are we going to let another 60,000 Syrians die before The World does something about this?"
Umm...lady...what do you propose THE WORLD should do?  Do you want to sent YOUR KID over there with a big gun to get shot at by a bunch of insane Muslims??
It's funny to watch liberals try to digest what to do when confronted by the evils of war.
Also friends, remember that a short 150 years ago this nation was embroiled in a Civil War that killed and maimed hundreds of I'm guessing Syria is going to have to figure this one out on its own.
Meanwhile the clock keeps ticking toward Isaiah 17....

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dennis,

    Off of RR

    If you have not seen this one you will love it.


