
Thursday, January 31, 2013

Will You Be Willing to Shoot Americans?

The video that I will post below is rather frightening. 

A VERY CREDIBLE source is reporting that if you hope to advance your career in the U.S. Military, Team Obama is asking a very direct question;  WOULD YOU BE WILLING TO FIRE ON AMERICAN CITIZENS IF GIVEN THE ORDER FROM SOMEONE HIGHER UP?

Reportedly, if you say, "no", then your military career is over with Team Obama.

Please watch video here;

Now of course, I do realize that if a hurricane happens in New Orleans and you have the entire city looting, raping and committing violent acts...the Army may need to be called in to SHOOT ON SIGHT anyone who is seen looting or even outside after curfew.  I get that.

But what else may be on Obama's mind?  How about new Federal law banning guns?  Would the military be able to enforce that?  Would they be willing to enforce it?

Remember friends, when the Germans were asked how they could butcher millions of Jews, Gypsies and mentally challenged people...their classic response was, "I was just following orders".

When the demons of war are released, when people are scared, hungry and tired....VERY EVIL THINGS can happen...especially on a planet where Satan is the Prince.

"The whole world is under the control of the evil one," says 1 John 5.

"But Dennis, that could NEVER HAPPEN HERE!!  This is America!!  It's NOT Nazi Germany!!"

To which I could only say, "Wow...really?....that's all you've got?"

Currently the liberals are all in a tizzy about assault rifles.  Because they are black in color...the anti-gun crowd believes that black guns are BAD! 

So for NOW....brown guns are "OK", but black guns are "bad"!!

But what happens when some teenager walks into a theatre with a brown SEMI AUTOMATIC shotgun loaded with 8 shells filled with #9 buckshot and lays out dozens?

Then brown guns will also be bad!!

"Ummm....Mr. Speaker, we previously didn't realize that brown shotguns could also be SEMI now we want to extend our ban from BLACK SEMI AUTOMATIC RIFLES and include all BLACK AND BROWN SEMI AUTOMATIC WEAPONS.....and after the shotgun massacre in Alabama...the ban will become effective immediately.  We will request the Pentagon to draw up plans to remove these instruments of death from our entire nation.  A civiized society simply has no further need for these killing instruments."

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