
Friday, January 11, 2013

Preach Sin?...Lose Your Ticket to Speak

Many of you know who Pastor Louie Giglio is because he created the awesome DVD's many of us have watched like INDESCRIBABLE which points to the skies and describes the awesomeness of our God.

He was asked to give the prayer at Obama's innauguration....until it was revealed that Giglio had preached about the sin of gay-sex.

Almost as suddenly as he was chosen, the Atlanta evangelical pastor selected to deliver the benediction at President Barack Obama’s inauguration on Jan. 21 is now out of the picture.

The Rev. Louie Giglio, whose selection to deliver the inaugural benediction sparked nationwide controversy because of his conservative views on homosexuality, dropped out of the coveted spot on Thursday.

“Neither I, nor our team, feel it best serves the core message and goals we are seeking to accomplish to be in a fight on an issue not of our choosing, thus I respectfully withdraw my acceptance of the President’s invitation,” Giglio said in a statement delivered to the White House. “I will continue to pray regularly for the President.”

The decision, which the President’s Inaugural Committee stressed was Giglio’s own, was a display in the swiftness of Washington damage control.

On Tuesday, it was announced that Giglio, pastor of Passion City Church in Atlanta, was chosen to give the benediction. The announcement came just days after Giglio’s church hosted more than 60,000 people at a youth-oriented event at the Georgia Dome.

On Wednesday afternoon, the website ThinkProgress reported that Giglio had given a sermon in the 1990s advocating “recovery” for gays and comparing them to alcoholics. Giglio also said gays will go to hell and called the gay rights movement “not benevolent” in advocating that “the homosexual lifestyle becomes accepted as a norm in our society.”

By Thursday morning, Giglio was out.


And here;

You see friends, Satan doesn't want ANYONE TO PREACH ABOUT SIN!  He wants all people to screw anyone or long as it makes you feel good and makes you happy! 

Is your wife a little cold towards you the past month?  No weren't BORN wanting to be go hire a whore.  It can't be SIN if you were born with the desire!!

Is your husband not talking sweet things to you this week??   No worries....just get on Facebook and find that old high-school boyfriend of yours who was so sweet and just happens to be divorced!  Start carrying on an emotional affair so you FEEL BETTER....there can't be any sin in feeling better, right?

Yesterday, I was with a husband and wife client of mine who are in their 80's and have been married for 55 years and have 8 grand kids.  I started asking about the grand kids and they told me with much heartbreak that two of the grand kids had moved in with their lovers and were living as husband and wife even though they were not married.  Of course this situation used to be called "LIVING IN SIN".  But now it is simply called, "LIVING TOGETHER"

My client had commented to another grandchild about her sister 'living in sin"...and the granddaughter said, "Oh grandma, it can't be wrong if it makes her happy!  You should be happy for them!"

My client is heartbroken over this and she said to me, "What makes this even more painful is that their father is a Lutheran minister (ELCA) and when we have asked him about it, he just shrugs his shoulders and say, "What are you going to do?  It's what people are doing these days."

Friends, read the book of Ezekiel and find out all the sins that Judah was committing when God said "Enough!" and destroyed the place.

You will quickly see that us folks in the "Christian" nation of America....have repeated ALL THOSE SINS!

We need a National Day of Repentance...but I'm almost 100% certain that Obama will never declare one.

Hat tip to Annie L.


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