
Thursday, January 10, 2013

Drought of Children in California

God told us His people to "Be fruitful and multiply." 

For thousands of years, children were considered a blessing from God.  For thousands of years having many children WAS the parent's Social Security and Nursing Home plan.

But no more!!  We have the GOVERNMENT to care for us!!  Who needs the expense of children??

So instead, our nation has chosen to ABORT over 50,000,000 little babies over the past 40 years.  In fact I just saw the headline yesterday that in this country we kill another baby every 94 seconds. 

You can see that headline here;

Yesterday I was talking to a liberal and she told me, "Sally is pregnant and 40 years old.  Well you know at 40 is when babies can have complications...and Sally told me that if she finds out the child has Downs Syndrome that she would "terminate the pregnancy".  She told me that she has a career, she has travel plans, she has ALL SORTS of plans that a SPECIAL NEEDS child would interrupt...and she's just not willing to do it.  I agree with her."

Now here is the CRAZY THING about what she said.....not 5 minutes earlier this liberal had shown me an article about a man who was BORN with no arms and no legs and has become famous putting on inspiring talks at schools around the world.

When I pointed out to this liberal that MOST WOMEN would have aborted this deformed he would have NEVER HAD A CHANCE to inspire just went right over her head.  She COULD NOT GRASP THE CONTRADICTION OF WHAT HAD JUST HAPPENED!!

The intelligence of the intelligent truly does seem to be vanishing...just like God said it would.

Now it would appear that California is suffering from a drought of this nation has killed them all before they could be they won't spoil our vacation plans.


Declining migration and falling birthrates have led to a drop in the number of children in California just as baby boomers reach retirement, creating an economic and demographic challenge for the nation's most populous state.

"After decades of burgeoning population and economic growth…the state now faces a very different prospect," said a report released Tuesday by the University of Southern California and the Lucile Packard Foundation. The report, "California's Diminishing Resource: Children," analyzed data from the 2010 census and the American Community Survey to conclude that the trend marks a "historic transition" for the state.

In 1970, six years after the end of the baby boom, children made up more than one-third of California's population. By 2030, they will account for just one-fifth, according to projections by lead author Dowell Myers, a USC demographer. "We have a massive replacement problem statewide," Mr. Myers said in an interview.

See that here;

Also remember that we have been wondering out loud for years if California isn't the harbinger of what is coming for the rest of us?  So if California is suffering a DROUGHT OF CHILDREN....maybe the whole nation will?

And sure enough, we see this headline show up at the same time.

Harry Dent is not one to shy away from predictions. Just take a quick look at some of the man's bibliography: he wrote The Great Boom Ahead in 1993 and followed it up with The Great Jobs Ahead in 1995. In 2009, he authored The Great Depression Ahead, and in 2011, The Great Crash Ahead.

Now, Dent, the economic forecaster perhaps best known for the use of demographics in his analysis, is predicting a big market crash this summer.

"This is what we have when you go over a demographic cliff. Remember Japan – Japan went over the demographic cliff. Peak in baby boom spending, peak real estate boom.
They had a bust. Guess what? 22 years later, real estate is still down over 60 percent, still drifting down. Stocks are down nearly 80 percent, not that far off their lows. They keep bubbling up and then going down to new lows.
This is the new normal, given that baby boomers are aging and the next generation is not only not in the workforce yet, largely, but they're not as large when they do [enter]. So, we're never going to see real estate prices at these levels again, and we're not going to see stocks at the level we saw in 2007 for a long time.

Read more:

So wouldn't this be ironic.....that the USA collapses from demographic problems of too many old people who didn't have enough children to support the financial system that THEY PUT INTO LAW....because they aborted millions of kids?

Remember, when Social Security was put on the books there were 5 workers for every 1 retiree.  Now there are two workers supporting 1 retiree and many times his wife.

Hey....maybe that would kind of be like JUDGMENT for KILLING ALL THE BABIES??

Hat tip to Julie E.


  1. Great article Dennis. The sad truth is that the devil has a great way of convincing people that aborting their baby is the best thing for the baby. What a deception! The only reasons to abort are for selfish reasons on the part of the mother or father. A person who thinks they should abort a child with special needs needs that baby more than the child needs that through that baby perhaps they'll learn what true, unconditional love really is. I mean, if Christ was to abort us people who had "special needs," there wouldn't be an us! The only thing we can do is to pray for those who believe it's okay to abort...because our battle in this area can't be with just logic, but with the Spirit!

    Keep up the great articles!

  2. Thanks Lori! Great to hear from you! Yes, I agree 100% that this issue is a spiritual battle. I always say that when you see a situation that defies LOGIC and COMMON SENSE...there has to be a supernatural reason behind it...and Satan can only be defeated with prayer and scripture. Love your point about aborting ALL of us...because we all have "special needs". Hope you guys are well!
