
Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Doomsday Asteroid is Bigger Than Expected

So here is the headline today right in the middle of Google News;

'Doomsday Asteroid' Bigger Than Expected

A near-earth asteroid once considered a potential killer is even bigger than expected, but still not a threat to humanity –now or in the future.

When asteroid 99942 Apophis was discovered in June 2004, initial analyses of its trajectory suggested a small chance that it could collide with the Earth in the year 2029, causing an explosion equivalent to 1480 megatons of TNT–nearly 30 times larger than the biggest hydrogen bomb ever detonated. But later observations gave astronomers a better view of the object, and made it clear that the likelihood of a collision was so small as to be negligible.

But scientists have kept an eye on the object for research purposes, and this morning, officials at the European Space Agency announced that the Herschel Space Observatory has determined Apophis to be even bigger than expected: about 325 meters wide, or 20% larger than previous estimates.

Apophis is currently on the part of its journey through the solar system that takes it near Earth; this close encounter gives astronomers a chance to collect additional data about the comet’s path. The ESA now believes that the asteroid will pass within 36,000 km of Earth’s surface in 2029. That’s inside the orbits of geostationary satellites, and close enough to be visible to the naked eye.


So great!  It's not going to hit us and destroy lots of things and vaporize lots of people!!  Awesome!!

Of course as we have posted about recently, the Bible is clear that a huge meteor is going to crash into earth during The it shouldn't surprise us at all to see headlines like this start to foreshadow this possibly soon coming event.

It also leads to one other interesting question.....let's say that they discovered it WAS GOING TO HIT us in 5 or 10 years....DO YOU BELIEVE THEY WOULD TELL US??

Think about it....if you were NASA and/or the President of the U.S., why would you tell 330,000,000 Americans that there is a 99% chance that vaporization is coming in 5 years?  The whole nation would come to a screeching halt!!  No one would show up for work, everyone would borrow money and take a 5 year vacation to Florida...drinking, golfing, and fornicating...because TOMORROW WE ALL DIE!!

And if they were wrong and the meteor missed us....the banks would all collapse because of the borrowed money and jobless people who can't pay it back.  They took 5 years off and now the economy is in total shambles...because every factory closed down, and even farmers quit planting food because THEY WANTED to party like it was 1999 too!!

Yep....they wouldn't tell us even if they knew....and they shouldn't.

I continue to be exceedingly glad that GOD IS IN CONTROL.

Remember, the people WITHOUT GOD are going to get exceedingly freaky as these headlines increase.

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