
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Cozy Pakistan and Iran Signs of Last Days?

We are glad to hear that Iran is making friends!  Everyone needs friends!!  And with all the 'situations in the region' best figure out who your friends are.

Spokesman: Pakistani President Due in Tehran Tomorrow

TEHRAN (FNA)- Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari is slated to pay a visit to Iran on Wednesday to discuss bilateral ties and regional developments with the Iranian officials, his spokesman announced on Tuesday.
"During the visit, the President will meet with senior Iranian officials and hold talks on bilateral issues and the situation in the region," Farhatullah Babar said.

He noted that President Zardari's official visit to Tehran will last for two days.

"The Pakistani president has always called for the bolstering of bilateral ties with Iran and he will go to Tehran for the same purpose and also for finalizing joint and big projects," Babar said.

Last week, an advisor to the Pakistani prime minister on petroleum and natural resources said President Zardari "plans to pay a visit to Iran" in a bid to finalize a deal on Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline project as the two countries' oil ministers inaugurated construction of the 781-kilometer-long Pakistani side of the gas line.

Asim Hussain told reporters in Islamabad that Zardari would pay a visit to Tehran in the near future to hold talks with Iranian officials over the gas pipeline project.
Now here are a couple of things that come to mind;
1)  Ezekiel 38 speaks of a coalition coming against Israel in the VERY last days and Iran will be a BIG PLAYER.  They will be driven not only by hatred of Jews and Israel but also will DESIRE something that Israel has!  "Have you come to take plunder?" asks the passage.  And what has Israel only recently discovered?  A massive natural gas and oil discovery.  Of course for any player in the region who wants to monopolize the natural gas market...they aren't going to want to have a bunch of Jews sitting on the Board of Directors for Mid East Nat Gas Corp. (yes, I made that company up) at some point they are going to try and take what Israel has.
2)  According to Shia Islamic eschatology (study of Last Days), the alliance between Iran and Persia is a key element to the Black Flag army that sweeps through from Arabia up to Babylon.  Now please remember...ANY Islamic prophesies are inspired by the Prince of the Earth (aka Satan) he may be readying his armies of the countries he vastly controls (nations where Holy Spirit filled believers are few) to fulfill his own recently corrected 'prophesies'.
Of course, Islam is confusing and contradicts itself at just about every turn.  You would expect as much because Satan is NOT omniscient, so he can't see the future.  All he can do is REACT after God speaks Truth.  So this would clearly explain why he can't just write a book, like the Koran, and let it stand all by itself....he has to constantly UPDATE it with 'hadiths' spoken by some other lost soul wearing a turban and praying to the moon-god, Allah.
However, I have found a brief list of many of the MAJOR SIGNS OF THE LAST DAYS according to Shia Islam.
As you check them out, see if you can understand how Satan read God's book, the Bible, and then twisted, tweaked and perverted certain passages about the Last Days to convince his Islamic followers that things are just as Satan said!
For instance, the Bible says there will be famine, war and pestilence in the Last Days.  Not surprisingly, this Islamic list says the same thing...with only an added twist.
Before the emergence of Dajjaal there will be three years of drought. The first year, the skies will retain 1/3 of its water, the second year 2/3, and all of its water the third year. 
Or check out how Ezekiel said the Jews would burn the weapons of the destroyed armies of Magog in the Last Days and burn them for 7 years...and now see how Satan took that Truth and morphed it for his deceitful lies.
It will rain for forty days and the earth will be cleansed. Muslims will burn the bows and arrow of Yajooj and Majooj for 7 years. Life will be peaceful while Hadhrat Eisa alayhis salaam is alive. The earth will be bountiful. Hadhrat Eisa will live 19 years after marriage.
Interesting stuff to say the least.  Hat tip to Tom F. for sending me the article about Iran and Pakistan.

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