
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Letter to NBC

Last week, we did a post about a skit that NBC's Saturday Night Live did about Jesus.  It showed Jesus coming out of the tomb and Easter and butchering all the Romans with a sword while the disciples stand around swearing and saying, "Kick some a-- Jesus!"

You can see what we wrote and the skit by going to last week's link here;

Today, I wrote a letter to NBC and asked them if they could do an equally 'funny' skit on SNL about Islam, Muhammad and Allah.

Here is my letter to NBC sent via their website;

Good afternoon,

I happened to catch the video sketch that was done a few Saturdays ago about Jesus. I didn't think it was funny. In fact I thought it was quite offensive.

Of course, this is America so I guess you can put anything on TV you want. If is our choice of whether we watch it or turn it off.

Now here is what is really interesting to me and the real reason for my letter; Would you ever DARE to do a skit about Muhammad and/or Islam and/or Allah?

There would be lots of "funny" material there for you guys to when he rode his flying horse to Jerusalem, or when he took a 6 yr girl as his 4th wife, or how about how all the Muslims say "Allah is greater!" right before they blow themselves up killing all sorts of bystanders? Seriously, you could really spoof that religion!!

And talk about how funny and ignorant so many of Muhammad's followers are!!....most stand around with crumbs in their beards and can't even read!! Hilarious!!

I can almost see your SNL actors dressed up in beards and turbans now...standing around with suicide bombs lashed to their bodies saying "Allah Akbar!"...and then running around trying to blow each other up! Hilarious!!

Or how about doing a skit on how the men of Afghanistan dress up little homeless boys as women and then make them dance around their campfires before they sodomize them! Too funny!! Man, you really could zing it to those crazy folks!!

So since I am quite certain you take the idea of DOUBLE STANDARDS very seriously,...I sure hope you can find it in your hearts to come out with a really offensive skit about Islam and all the crazy folks who blow each other up.

Thank you! Can't wait to see that skit!
So guess we will see how that goes...but not going to hold my breath.
Of course with Team Obama recently accusing an "offensive Muslim film" for the death and mayhem in Benghazi...and with how tight Obama is with all the Hollywood folks...I am guessing SNL will not come up with a funny sketch on Muhammad, suicide bombers or sodomizing little boys dressed up as women.
But hey, if ALL OF US WROTE to them claiming a "double standard"....maybe we could force SNL to respond with something!  I really want to see that dang flying horse that Muhammad had!!  What was his name anyway...Tonto?...Silver?....Pegasus?....  Nope!  It was Buraq!!
Wait a second...the winged horse was named Buraq??!! (lightning) 
Is that pronounced like BARACK?  
Could it be possible that our President was named after that dang Muslim flying horse?? (cue the theme music from Twilight Zone)

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