
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

The Enemy Within the Catholic Church

Many have always known of the huge perversion problems within the Catholic church. 

Just imagine the altar boys who were abused for the past hundreds of years but would never say anything publicly because "we just don't talk about such things" was told to them in a whisper.

But now that has all changed.  People are coming out of the wood work to describe the abuse they suffered from Catholic priests.  And the Vatican has already reportedly paid out over $2 billion in damages because they helped to COVER THE LIE!

Jesus told us that "we would know them by the fruit they bear."

So what kind of tree bears fruit filled with lies, perversion and more lies to cover it up?

Yep!!  A tree planted and nurtured by Satan.

And today we have even more evidence of how deep the roots of this tree actually are.

KRAKOW, February 26, 2013, ( - A recent paper by a Ph.D. priest from Poland has been circling the globe in recent weeks and given heightened prominence by the recent revelations of a Vatican inquiry into a “gay mafia” inside the Vatican. “Standing with the Pope against homoheresy,” was written in late 2012 by Fr. Dariusz Oko, Ph.D., a priest of the Archdiocese of Krakow and Assistant Professor at the John Paul II Pontifical University in Krakow.

Fr. Oko notes that his discovery of a “huge homosexual underground in the Church” came from his work in philosophical criticism of homosexual propaganda and ideology, a study he was encouraged to undertake by various bishops and cardinals.

“I began my work as a struggle against a deadly, external threat to Christianity, but then gradually discovered,” he said, that “the enemy is not only outside the Church, but within it, as well,”

Fr. Oko says standing up for the truth of the faith on this issue is an existential need for Roman Catholics. “If homolobbyists are allowed to act freely, in a dozen or so years they may destroy entire congregations and dioceses,” he warns. “The situation is a bit like that in the beginning of the Reformation, when entire countries and nations left the Church.”

Fr. Oko explains how to identify the culprits and then how to engage in battle.

Recognizing the enemy
“Active homosexual priests are masters of camouflage,” he says quoting another experienced priest.

 “The real threat to the Church are cynical homosexual priests who take advantage of their functions on their own behalf, sometimes in an extraordinarily devious way.”
He concludes that, remembering to “recognize them by their fruit” (cf. St. Matthew 7:16) – and with the publicly known events of the last quarter-century, the reaction of the Holy See, and the documents it issued – we must clearly and explicitly admit: yes, there is a strong homosexual underground in the Church.


Holy Homo-mafia!!  That all sounds like it could be right out of a Hollywood movie...a movie that ends with Holy water thrown onto the Sodomites in the basement of the Vatican and a hissing voice saying, "You'll never get rid of us!!  We have been in this church for too long!!"

What else is interesting is that I started writing this blog post referencing that "you will know them by their fruit."  And here at the very end of the article, I find that the friar is also quoting the same passage.  Another god-incidence!

Yes, for sure...sodomy, perversion, deception, lies, fear, guilt and shame...all seem to be fruit plucked directly off the Satan Tree.

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