
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Transgender 6 year Old

Yep! It has come to this!!

What do you do with a little boy who dresses like a girl and acts like a girl...but when "she" goes into the bathroom with the little girls, he pulls out his wiener and pees all over the toilet seat?? What's a girl to do??

I'm guessing that as society continues to unravel, we will soon vote to spend $100 billion to add bathrooms at all public schools that say "TQ" on the door...which stands for "Transgender-Questioning."

What follows is an actual conversation...over heard in the future:

"Mommy! Which bathroom do I use?...the one that says M-E-N or W-O-M-E-N or the one that says T-Q?"

"I don't know Kelly....what are you feeling like today? Do you feel like a girl or a boy...or are you feeling that you might be a little confused because you have a pee-pee but you like dresses and wearing silk panties and have said you wish you had a vajay-jay? How you feel about yourself today Kelly will determine what bathroom you go into at school. But tomorrow you may feel like using a totally different bathroom...all based on you you feel then. Does that make sense now Kelly?"

"No. I'm only 6! How the heck do I know what penises and vagina's are and how they make me feel?? Can't you just tell me what flippin' toilet to!!!"

“Nobody wants a difficult world for their child. You want them to have the easiest path and that’s probably not going to happen for Coy,” said her mom.
The difficulties started two years ago when Coy’s path collided with her maturing thoughts and questions.
“She just kept crying and said she was scared that she was going to grow up and have a beard and a hairy chest and everybody would know she was born a boy,” said Kathryn.
Her parents hoped kindergarten would help her start her new life.
For over a year she attended school as a girl. She blossomed until January when things changed, “Because the school is just being mean to me,” Coy said.
“They told us our options were to use the nurse’s bathroom, the boy’s bathroom or the staff bathroom,” her mom said.
The family has taught Coy that’s unacceptable.
“The nurse’s bathroom is just for people that are sick,” she said.
Days later Jeremy and Kathryn started home-schooling their children.
They say while the school may know a lot about teaching reading writing and arithmetic, they know very little about teaching tolerance.
“They’re creating a giant divide and that’s a huge loss for the school because they have a really good opportunity for their students. They’re using it as a way to discriminate instead,” Kathryn said.


Honestly!! Where do you even start to unravel the confusion that is coming for these poor kids, raised in this lost, wicked and confused age.

I have no idea why people are born the way they are...and of course you feel awful for ANYONE to have to go through life not feeling NORMAL...but to start raising kids as "asexual" and letting them decide for themselves how they feel about VERY mature setting up for trouble.

Thankfully, God knew EXACTLY who was going to be born into this age. None of this surprises Him in the least!

We just need to pray that we can stand strong in our faith and stand for the Word of God...regardless of how many millions of our friends and neighbors tell us that WE ARE THE ONES who have gone insane.

Hat tip to Kevin W.

1 comment:

  1. When I saw that article on last night, it made me so angry I could not read the whole thing. That any little girl should have to be exposed to a boy in the bathroom because of crazy political correctness is insane. I am so thankful my husband and I were able to home school our kids and I fear that may not be an option when they have kids of their own some day.
    I think back when we were raising our kids, and the confusions and fears they faced and how my husband and I would talk with them and tell them about the Lord and pray with them. My son had a horrilbe fear of turning 9 because he "would never be 8 again" :) What if we had told him, "honny, you don't have to turn 9. We are just going to call you 8 for the rest of your life. Because we say you are 8, you will be 8!" Talk about confusion!
    This situation with this little boy is perverted and twisted and I think the parents need to be investigated. There is definately a deeper issue here.
