
Thursday, February 28, 2013

Muslim on Buddhist Violence

We already know that Muslim militants don't like Jews, Christians, Hindus, Catholics, airplanes, reading, women, wine, music and even each other.  But what could they have against those peaceful Buddhists?  Isn't Buddha that dude with a big belly who always smiles no matter what restaurant he is in?  Come on you intolerant Muslim militants!!...isn't there SOMEONE you don't want to kill?

Secondly...who knew that the Muslim had been butchering people in Thailand?  It makes me wonder if soon, there won't be a country in the world that doesn't have angry, militant Muslims willing to kill and be killed for Jihad's sake?

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia — Thailand’s government signed a breakthrough deal with Muslim insurgents for the first time ever Thursday, agreeing to hold talks to ease nearly a decade of violence in the country’s southern provinces that has killed more than 5,000 people.

The agreement was announced in Malaysia’s largest city, Kuala Lumpur, between Thai authorities and the militant National Revolution Front, also known by its Malay-language initials, BRN. It is seen as a positive step, but is unlikely to immediately end the conflict because several other shadowy guerrilla movements also fighting in southern Thailand have yet to agree to talks.

“God-willing, (Allah-willing) we’ll do our best to solve the problem. We will tell our people to work together,” Hassan Taib, a Malaysian-based senior representative of the BRN, said after a brief signing ceremony with Lt. Gen. Paradorn Pattanathabutr, secretary general of Thailand’s National Security Council.

Violence has occurred nearly every day in Thailand’s three southernmost provinces since the insurgency erupted in 2004. The militants have mainly targeted security forces and teachers, who are seen as representatives of the government of the Buddhist-dominated nation.


What is up with the assault against TEACHERS?  Why are these Muslim militants so against people learning things...even learning to read?

There is a VERY SIMPLE answer;
Satan wants people to stay in the darkness.  He knows education and openness in Muslim lands could lead to too many people actually learning to read....and if they start reading the Koran and the Hadiths...they will quickly realize what a convoluted, contradictory bunch of crap the whole thing is.

And once they realize that, they will start IGNORING their Imams.  And once they ignore their Imams and start thinking for themselves...they may discover the Truth of the Bible...and Satan wants NO LIGHT TO COME INTO THE DARKNESS.

Ignorance is Satan's playground.

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