
Friday, March 1, 2013

Homosexual Dam Appears Ready to Break

Team Obama appears ready to start pushing the issue of gay marriage even further.  This time going to the Supreme Court and urging them to overturn California's ban on gay marriage.

Of course we all know if the Supreme Court decides that CA voter-approved laws are forced to come will probably only be weeks or months until the other 40 states banning gay marriage have to pull down theirs.

The dam which the people have erected may soon be dynamited by Team Obama....and the flood waters will come pouring in.

WASHINGTON (AP) — In a historic argument for gay rights, President Barack Obama on Thursday urged the Supreme Court to overturn California’s same-sex marriage ban and turn a skeptical eye on similar prohibitions across the country.

The Obama administration’s friend-of-the-court brief marked the first time a U.S. president has urged the high court to expand the right of gays and lesbians to wed. The filing unequivocally calls on the justices to strike down California’s Proposition 8 ballot measure, although it stops short of the soaring rhetoric on marriage equality Obama expressed in his inaugural address in January.

California is one of eight states that give gay couples all the benefits of marriage through civil unions or domestic partnership, but don’t allow them to wed. The brief argues that in granting same-sex couples those rights, California has already acknowledged that gay relationships bear the same hallmarks as straight ones.

‘‘They establish homes and lives together, support each other financially, share the joys and burdens of raising children, and provide care through illness and comfort at the moment of death,’’ the administration wrote.
The brief marks the president’s most expansive view of gay marriage and signals that he is moving away from his previous assertion that states should determine their own marriage laws. Obama, a former constitutional law professor, signed off on the administration’s legal argument last week following lengthy discussions with Attorney General Eric Holder and Solicitor General Donald Verrilli.


Let's recall that before Obama was President he said he was against gay marriage.  Half way into being elected, he said his position was 'evolving.'  Near the end of his first term he said that it should be up to the states to decide.  And now the he has been re-elected and feels he has a "mandate" to do whatever the heck he wants....he is going to go after the states and FORCE THEM to accept gay marriage as the LAW OF THE LAND.

Friends....who is this guy named Barack Hussein Obama?  What kind of spell has he cast on his liberal followers who have drank the Kool-aid called "Change"?

How long will it be before the bi-sexuals will DEMAND to be married to one man AND one woman...making a MODERN DAY FAMILY and giving kids three parents?  How would that work for Social Security survivors and retirement benefits on that family?  How would you apply medical insurance if one of the three have a job and two are stay at home dads?

How long will it be before men will DEMAND to marry multiple wives?  When our first wife gets sick, old and maybe no longer as attractive as she was in her youth, men will DEMAND to take on a younger wife who THRILLS him.  And as financial tough times continue, there will be more and more young women who would be THRILLED to marry an older man who can give her food, a nice home with things in it, in return for satisfying him in the bedroom.  The older wife can just take care of kitchen duties....and if she doesn't like it....she can be free to leave! 

And if anyone dares to stand up and say, "This is just wrong!  It is going to lead to the collapse of the family and will guarantee our moral and financial collapse!!"  The "CHANGE!" crowd will yell with one voice, "Judge not lest ye be judged!  We want what makes us HAPPY!"

How ironic that the ONE BIBLE VERSE that the liberals, atheists, sodomites, drunkards, perverts and godless use to throw in our faces as a permit to do ANYTHING they want....will be ripped to shreds when the Righteous Judge shows up...and He WILL judge them.

"Those who oppose him he (follower of Christ) must gently instruct, in the hope that God will grant them repentance leading them to a knowledge of the truth, and that they will COME TO THEIR SENSES and escape from the trap of the devil, who has taken them captive to do his will."  2 Timothy 2:25-26

Lord, grant me the patience to GENTLY INSTRUCT those who are lost...because I so desperately want to yell at them and say, "Repent now!  If you don't repent and accept Christ now, do you realize that eternity in hell is a AWFUL LONG TIME!!!  Do you realize that everything you are "FOR" is an affront to Almighty God?!"



  1. I know this is off topic but this grabbed my attention. About half way through there is a quote...
    "They establish homes and lives together, support each other financially, share the joys and burdens of raising children." Raising children is a burden - and a burden is something that's oppressive. It's not always easy, but I would never tell my children they are a burden because they are not.

  2. So proud of our president. Finally going to get some equality.

  3. Hey anonymous,
    how about the bi-sexuals? Are you in favor of bi-sexuals being able to marry one man and one woman...or are you intolerant of their 'rights'? Just curious.

  4. Lawls. What a crooked understanding of bisexuality. A person's sexuality has no relation to the number of people they want to be in relationship with. Polygamous families are built on a heterosexual foundation. A person that is bisexual doesn't necessarily, and most likely, wouldn't choose a polygamous life style.

    Funny thing is, we don't really know how the relevant outcome of children raised in polygamous families because they are such a minority that not much research has been done. What we do know is that divorce, and parental discord are two of the largest determinants of poor child outcomes. Given that, what should really be focused on is providing children a stable, loving home. And generally, two people, regardless, of sex can just that. And even more, homosexual couples have to spend thousands of hours and dollars to adopt a child. They don't just make the decision on a whim. On the other hand, heterosexuals often don't even plan their pregnancies. I always thought this comparison says a lot about two homosexuals who are committed to having a family.

    Wish you peace.

  5. My point was an attempt to delve into the question of what is marriage? Is it one man and one woman? That's what it has traditionally been. So once we break from that norm then certainly you realize that someone is going to say, "How about 3 men in a loving and committed relationship? Why can't we be a family?" And then someone will say, "Why can't a man be married to 3 women that are all in loving and committed relationships?" And they will argue that having 3 or 4 parents all raising children together will be a MUCH BETTER situation than one man and one woman. Of course if you have read my blog at all, you will know that I believe the world is coming apart. We believe that the end of the age is upon us and that NO LAWS are going to change this collapse of morality we are witnessing. When human beings get to the point when they believe they can make their OWN LAWS for RIGHTEOUS and MORAL living and use those to set aside the laws/morals given to us from God/Jesus/ can be certain that the society will is simply a matter of when. The explosion of heterosexual and homosexual perversion is a sign of how close we are...and it is ONLY ONE SIGN in a whole slough of signs that are manifesting themselves. Surrendering our lives to Jesus and the work he did on the cross is the ONLY way to escape what is coming and enter into eternal life. The wrath of God IS COMING and the ONLY way to have peace with God is through His Son, Jesus the Christ. So I pray that you have accepted that peace that Jesus freely offers.

  6. Jesus offers me no peace. The only peace I find is in the fact that I am ultimately responsible for my actions and I must live accordingly.

  7. Jesus does OFFER you just have refused to accept the gift. "I am the way, the truth and the life. No man comes to the Father but through me." -Jesus- I pray that you will look into His claims and His offer of salvation before it's too late. I would recommend reading the book of John and realizing that God so loved humans (in spite of our sins) that He provided a way for us to be in His eternal presence...and the ONLY way is Christ.

  8. Like John 3:16? Why didn't God think of a better way than killing his own son to fix what he had screwed up? God is silly.

  9. Maybe you should ask your Creator who gives you life and breath every day why He allowed Satan to come and pervert His creation? Clearly, if you believe the Creator of the universe is 'silly' are on very shaky ground and probably living in full-on rebellion...somehow believing your own fabricated lie that you are smarter (less silly?) than your Creator. Eternity is a very long time. I hope you have given careful consideration to your rejection of salvation. Your own words will be used against you on judgment day...unless you repent (turn from your wicked ways) and accept Christ as your Savior. I will pray for you and hope anyone else reading this will join me in praying for you.

  10. But if God created everything he created Satan too. So, why would he do that? And why wouldn't he have fixed everything before a majority of the people he created were destined for hell? And why did he create this in the first place? Did he seriously just do this for kicks? Honestly though, why would he create us if he knew that we were going to screw up and not be good enough for him and that we'd go to hell in the end and spend eternity in torment?

    And what about that whole eternity thing? Specifically, what is just about spending an eternity in torment for a minuscule time of life spent on Earth? How can anything we do here on Earth be deserving of an ETERNITY in hell? I don't think people realize the grandness of eternity and the minuteness of an infinitesimal amount of time. I don't see any justice in it.

    Why the suffering? Why the endless, exorbitant amounts of suffering? God does nothing for those people. WHY? Kind of jerk move on God's part if you ask me.

    And what about all the other religions? According to you, all those who aren't with Jesus are going to hell. How do you reconcile that, with the fact that religions are majorly distributed by region across the world? What God would judge someone for being raised in India and are Hindu? Sounds like a crappy thing to be judged for, being born in a region that isn't predominantly Christian.

    If you do anything, don't pray for me. Give money to the poor instead. Donate food to a food shelf. Give your family members hugs and tell them you love them.

  11. All your questions would be answered if you read and studied the Bible. One thing for you to ponder....does the clay ask the potter, "why was I made into a clay pot? Why didn't you make me into a clay vase?" Who is the clay to question the potter on ANYTHING He has made? Also, you tell me to give money to the poor...why? If there is no accountability to ANYONE...why would I care what happens to poor people? Why would I give them MY food? That seems really stupid. If evolution shows SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST...why the heck would we take care of a bunch of poor folks who can't care for themselves? Doesn't NATURE want them removed anyway...because they are worthless? If we are just descended from rocks and minerals and that's what we will all become when we die...why waste time helping anyone live?...just let them die...since they are all worthless minerals anyway. Who are YOU TO SAY that helping poor people is "GOOD"? Where did you read that anyway? Your version of "GOOD" is totally different than what they know as "GOOD" in North Korea or that seems rather silly.

    As for an answer as to all the suffering and evil on the earth...I will give you one clue. 1 John 5:19 says, "...the whole world is under the control of the evil one." So for the time being, this is Satan's planet and we are ALL children of the devil...unless we have been transformed into Children of the Light by being born again. That's why we lie, cheat, kill, bite, steal, rape, etc...we do it all without being taught! That behavior all comes naturally to us! Think about it.

  12. Yes. Please pass on the message to future generations that we shouldn't question authority. What a good way to live our lives.

    Why give money to the poor? Maybe because giving to those in need was one of the biggest messages Jesus gave to his people. Hmm.... You really make yourself seem ignorant when you question your creators calling. Matthew 19:21

  13. I've read the bible through. My questions weren't answered, btw.

  14. You said God is silly...and then you said you read the Bible all the way through. If you had, you would realize that Jesus IS God. So what do you care what Jesus says? I know why I do things...but why would you do ANYTHING that Jesus says...if you don't believe in Him? Do you think giving food and money to the poor is going to find favor in Jesus' eyes in whom you don't believe? That sounds confusing... Where do you go to find out what you BELIEVE is "good"? "No men are good...none!" "All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." You can't stop people for praying for you. So like it or not, I (and my readers) will pray for you that you can find peace with God through Jesus Christ (who is God). Amen!

  15. Did you see the post I did today on the woman who spoke at Yale who says we shouldn't judge people who may enjoy sex with animals? Is that something you approve of? Or is that "wrong"? If you think it is perverse...why?

  16. "Also, you tell me to give money to the poor...why?"

    I was answering your question. Why should you give money to the poor? Because your God says you should. How dense are you?

  17. I'm probably pretty dense! I could find you lots of folks who would concur with that conclusion!

    Just to be clear, you said, "If you do anything, don't pray for me. Give money to the poor instead. Donate food to a food shelf. Give your family members hugs and tell them you love them." I assumed (probably density on my part) that this was you was quite curious on WHY you would do any of those things or tell anyone else to do them? As I already said, I KNOW why I do things (obedience to Christ)...but why would you be "good" to anyone when being "good" (whatever you mean by that) serves no real purpose? How do you decide what is "good"? Real simple question...

    And if you can describe to me what is "good"...can you also describe how you determine what is "bad"?

    I know my answer...maybe you can try and answer this simple question...which you seem to be avoiding?

    You say, "The only peace I find is in the fact that I am ultimately responsible for my actions and I must live accordingly." Responsible to WHOM? Live according to what? How you FEEL??

    Yes, I may be dense...but certainly you talk in confusing circles...that seem to lack logic.

  18. I'm the question dodger? You answered my questions with a blanket statement to read the bible. Do you not actually know the answer to those questions? If you do, why don't you answer them like you are asking me to answer your questions?

    Why would God make us anyway?

    What is just about spending an eternity in time for a infinitesimal amount of time on Earth?

    And thanks for clarifying your question. I believe giving to the poor, feeding the hungry is "good" because their suffering can be reduced. For you, you should believe those things are good because Jesus said they are.

    Are good things good because they are good or, are good things good because God says they are good?

    Is your religion the only thing that is holding you back from cheating on your wife, raping children, stealing from your neighbors, being gluttonous? It's pretty sad if that's true...

    I haven't really determined how good and bad should be judged on. I know that many situations we are in are more gray scale than black and white. But I'm still trying to answer that question.

    Also, clay can't talk. And God fucked Job over. I reference Job because he questioned God, rightfully so.

    Responsible to who? Myself. I carry the burden of knowing I screwed up, knowing I hurt other people. That's on my shoulders.

  19. "Life a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want t worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones." - Marcus Aurelius

  20. The Marcus Aurelius quote is kind of sad...coming from a Roman dude who was listed as a persecutor of early Christians. Was that a "noble" cause? Was that a "good" life? Today, if you were a Muslim living in the Gaza strip and you strapped explosives to yourself and walked into Israel and blew up a bus full of Jews (and anyone else on the bus) you would have a street and a school named in your honor. People would hand out candy in the streets in your honor and say that certainly you lived a "good" and "noble" life because you died killing people that Allah hates. So since THEY BELIEVE you have an argument for them why that ISN'T a "noble" thing to do?

  21. One question at a said, "Why would God make us?" I gave you one answer about the clay and the potter but you didn't like that one, so let me ask it to you this way...let's assume you have a dog that you love very would you explain to that dog he has cancer and you are going to take him to the vet for some VERY PAINFUL treatments? The dog barks at you for answers while you hold him down at the vet's office...why dont you explain it to him? Because the dog is incapable of understanding cancer and chemotherapy! Hopefully, you will understand that word picture connection between your pea brain that can't create ANYTHING and comprehends almost nothing... and God's ways...who created the entire universe and breathed life into all things...including you. We were created to GLORIFY GOD by accepting His Son and obeying the Master...end of story. Your small brain can't understand anything we trust God...just like your dog trusts you, even though your dog can't understand all your ways because you are MUCH HIGHER than your dog. Make sense? Also, if you COULD understand the ways of God...then God would not be worthy of our worship...because then he would be just another loser like you and like me.

  22. So, why shouldn't the clay ask any questions of the creator? Another example of teaching people to not question authority.

    The dog thing was a little better. But, how do you know we couldn't understand God's reasons if there was a God? Oh right, the Bible... I forgot about that book. But we all ready talked about that. It actually doesn't have all the answers.

    Evolution is a fact.

  23. Taking another's life isn't noble. That's my answer. Sorry if that isn't detailed enough for you.

    Also, I would like to remind you that the crusades happened.

    Could you respond to the eternity vs infinitesimal amount of time we spend on earth question? Or would we not understand that either so it's pointless to try and answer it?

  24. You say, "Taking another's life isn't noble. That's my answer. Sorry if that isn't detailed enough for you."

    So you are judging those Muslims in Palestine, Pakistan, Afghanistan, etc...who believe the most noble thing in all of life is to blow yourself up, killing others? Wow! By whose authority do YOU say what is noble? Just because you (anonymous) has come to the conclusion in your own head? Sorry anonymous...that lacks logic.

    And here we go with the crusades...

    The Crusades were the RESULT of Muslim aggression. They were killing everyone in the middle east who wouldn't convert, (Christians and pagans) and spreading to Europe. The kings of Europe sent armies to fight the Muslims before they got to Europe. And anytime there is war...the demons of war get released...and ALL HUMANS can end up doing nasty things. (Viet nam, Iraq, Korea, etc...)

    How about a better example? about in WWII when a bunch of "Christian" Germans killed millions under Hitler...who also went to Catholic church? If you want to throw out some recent examples that make a lot more sense than The Crusades...that would make your case better.

    When you can prove to me that you have educated your dog on cancer and chemotherapy...I promise I will educate you on the ways of God. Your brain is simply WAY TOO SMALL! OR....when you can show me that you can make something in your lab as SIMPLE AS A TINY animal and then breath life into it...and make it out of minerals and water...then you may begin to understand God. Until then, your brain and power are simply too weak.

    For now, you best stick to remembering that YOU are the dog with cancer...and God is your Creator. He made you and can remove you any time He pleases. "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom." Once you fear (respect) the will begin to understand some answers to your questions. But clearly, by your comments, you are no where close.

    "Evolution is fact", you say. How ridiculous. Even in the schools, there is a reason they still call it "The Theory of Evolution"...because it is a THEORY! When you (or anyone) find a half fish and half squirrel and the other "half creatures" that DARWIN THOUGHT might be there in the fossil record to confirm his be sure to call me!

    Even Darwin said to "throw out this theory" if you don't find the fossil record to confirm it. So yes, I have taken Darwin at his word and thrown his whole THEORY out. Can animals adapt and change to their environment? Of course. Can a rock create a fish and then "evolve" into a half fish, half mammal and crawl out of the water?...that is the most RIDICULOUS THING that otherwise "smart" people have FORCED THEMSELVES to believe!!...and you calling it a "fact" when Darwin didn't even do most arrogant.

    "For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities--his eternal power and divine nature--have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that MEN ARE WITHOUT EXCUSE." Forcing yourself to believe you EVOLVED FROM A ROCK...will not give you any excuse when you stand before HIM who made you. We will keep praying for you.

  25. Lol. Thank you for demonstrating how little you know about modern evolutionary theory.

    The things you propose that are ridiculous ARE ridiculous because your propositions are ridiculous. Clearly you have no idea how evolution works.


    Feel free to educate yourself.

  27. Please educate us all on how life started from nothing. Ok...there were some rocks (where did those come from?) and then there was some complex proteins, (where did those come from?) and then ONE MAGICAL DAY some lightning struck those proteins and rocks and a SINGE CELL creature came to life! It then split into two and started replicating itself! And over billions of years it evolved into millions of other complex living creatures...and one of them finally gave birth to a man! A being so complex, with so many trillions of atoms put together in perfect union that science has no idea how it even stays together! Anyone who believes that has created their OWN RELIGION based 100% on illogical faith. As the Bible says, "No man will have an excuse" for NOT understanding that the Creator reveals himself through creation. I pray that is NOT YOU when you stand before God saying..."But it was the fossils that convinced me You didn't exist!" Peace.

  28. "A being so complex, with so many trillions of atoms put together in perfect union that science has no idea how it even stays together!"

    That's false.

    Also, evolution isn't a theory of the origins of life. You seemed to be so knowledgeable about evolution but you seem to not even know that simple fact... Evolution is only concerned with genetic change (on the molecular level, base pair mutations) in populations over time.

    Also, not understanding how certain things came to be is no reasonable excuse to say "God must have done it". God shouldn't just exist in the gaps in our knowledge.

    So, with all of that cleared up. Understanding how evolution works and how populations change over time isn't really an illogical religion based 100% on faith.

    Christianity is though.

    And you stilllllllllllllll haven't responded to the eternity vs infinitesimal amount of time on earth question. You scared bro? Am I too foolish to understand? Is a heathen like me not smart enough to understand your Christian theologies?

  29. Well, evolution isn't why I don't believe but oh well...

    And our genes say more about evolution than any fossils can.

  30. Is our discussion over now? We were having a good time!!!!

  31. Sorry anonymous, but yes the Bible does say, "The word of God is foolishness to those who are perishing." And yes, I do understand that the theory of evolution is connected to the theory of the Origin of life. But of course everything in evolution needs to be backed up to a time when life formed...and science hasn't been able to create even the most basic form of life. And the fossil record shows NO PROOF what so ever that shows how complex life forms evolved from simple life forms. On the contrary...complex life just APPEARS in the fossil record...and science has no explanation. And yes, the Word of God does have an explanation that GOD CREATED IT ALL even if you can't understand how! Let me know when you can explain cancer to your dog...and then maybe God will explain to you how life came from minerals, water and protein that HE ALSO CREATED. And you and I both know our brains are way too small to comprehend God. That is WHY HE is worthy of our worship.

    One thought for you to ponder on the FAIRNESS of a short life lived affecting your ETERNAL DESTINATION...we are actually ETERNAL beings having a TEMPORARY earthly existence. And no, you or me or anyone else on THIS SIDE OF ETERNITY isn't smart enough to comprehend EXACTLY what that means. God is God...and you are not.

    Finally...yes, this conversation has gotten VERY long with WAY TOO MANY questions thrown back and forth with no real agreement on any foundation. So I will sign off on this one and pray that you will ask the Lord if He is real and if He is ask Him to reveal himself to you. "Seek and ye shall find." That is a promise from Jesus. Peace!

  32. "seek and ye shall find." What a classic case of confirmation bias.

    Do you even understand that to create a fossil, the conditions have to be extremely favorable? The fossil record does show change over time and even homologous structures in seemingly unrelated species. WEIRD.

    One fun thing to note is that our genes actually provide evidence of evolution from simple creatures to more complex creatures. We have homologous genes that perform similar functions. What more do you want? A holy book from a long time ago of people hearing voices and claiming them to being God and some fictional flood that would have killed every one on the entire planet, including Noah. Would that convince you? Or how about a God that slaughters thousands of people? And I should consider him loving?

    Evolution is a fact. There is more evidence than the fossil record. And even the fossil record is wonderful evidence for an earth that is billions years old AND evolution.

  33. Here is a quote for you;

    "At some future period, not very distant as measured by centuries, the civilized races of man will almost certainly exterminate, and replace the savage races throughout the world."
    Charles Darwin

    I wonder if Charles was still alive if you would be advocating that we just go ahead and nuke North Korea (savages) and almost all the Arab/Muslim world? (savages) Afterall, if we believe in SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST...why not just rid the planet of folks who we deem to be savages? It sure would help to control the food crisis and energy crisis the world is facing.

    Also guessing that Charles would have been in favor of how we "CIVILIZED" Americans treated the "savage" indians who we displaced? Why not? IF they were too stupid to have invented guns and alcohol...why not use them to destroy those inferior folks? Survival of the fittest!!

    Not a nice religion that Charles started.....

    Oh that's don't believe killing is "noble"...but you can't explain just don't. Gotta have faith!!

    Just keep asking Jesus what the Truth is. "I came to bring Truth that the Truth will SET YOU FREE!" -Jesus-

    Free from what? The trap of deceptive lies that the Prince of the Earth has laid for fallen men.

  34. Wanna know what would help the food and energy crisis? A more equal distribution of food/energy across the globe. But you seem to be against giving to the poor or feeding the hungry. IDK. I'm all for it but I don't know about you.

    Just because a person know that evolution is fact doesn't mean they believe they should live by the principle of "survival of the fittest." Some even see more reason to not live by that principle because of the harsh conditions of natural selection. So boom.

    Here is some context for that quote.

    "According to, this is a common creationist quote mine.[15] When Darwin referred to "race" he meant "varieties," not human races.[16] (For example, in Chapter 1 of On the Origin of Species, Darwin writes "the several races, for instance, of the cabbage".) In the passage "there is nothing in Darwin's words to support (and much in his life to contradict) any claim that Darwin wanted the "lower" or "savage races" to be exterminated. He was merely noting what appeared to him to be factual, based in no small part on the evidence of a European binge of imperialism and colonial conquest during his lifetime."[17] Darwin's passage, in full context, reads:
    The great break in the organic chain between man and his nearest allies, which cannot be bridged over by any extinct or living species, has often been advanced as a grave objection to the belief that man is descended from some lower form; but this objection will not appear of much weight to those who, from general reasons, believe in the general principle of evolution. Breaks often occur in all parts of the series, some being wide, sharp and defined, others less so in various degrees; as between the orang and its nearest allies—between the Tarsius and the other Lemuridae between the elephant, and in a more striking manner between the Ornithorhynchus or Echidna, and all other mammals. But these breaks depend merely on the number of related forms which have become extinct. At some future period, not very distant as measured by centuries, the civilised races of man will almost certainly exterminate, and replace, the savage races throughout the world. At the same time the anthropomorphous apes, as Professor Schaaffhausen has remarked, will no doubt be exterminated. The break between man and his nearest allies will then be wider, for it will intervene between man in a more civilised state, as we may hope, even than the Caucasian, and some ape as low as a baboon, instead of as now between the negro or Australian and the gorilla.[8]"
