
Monday, February 11, 2013

Pope Resigns! False Prophet Next in Line?

The breathless news we awoke to today is that the Pope resigned.  Reportedly, this is the first time in over 600 years that this has happened.

Upon hearing the news, the first thing my mind turned to is the Papal Prophecy given by St Malachy.  Supposedly he had a vision and was given all the names of the Popes for the next hundreds of years and the vision concluded with the final Pope who will be called Peter the Roman...and Peter the Roman is supposedly the FALSE PROPHET who rules with the Antichrist.

Remember, the book of Daniel hints strongly that the Antichrist will come out of the revived Roman empire.  Furthermore, MANY prophecy watchers believe that is exactly what will Rome has always been high on the radar. 

Of course this also is the explanation for the FEET OF IRON AND CLAY that Jesus Christ will smash when he given to us by the vision of Daniel and the giant statue made of gold, silver, bronze, iron legs and feet of iron and clay.

Since my brain went exactly to that thought upon hearing the news, I figured that Rapture Ready may be thinking the same thing...and sure enough, they quickly put it at the top of the list in their NEARING MIDNIGHT segment which is put our every Monday morning.

Flash: Pope Benetict XVI to Resign

Word broke at about 7 a.m. est that Pope Benetict XVI has announced he will resign as pope of the Roman Catholic Church, effective February 28, 2013.

Reportedly, he is the first in 600 years to step down.

He gave as his reason that he is no longer up for the job, physically. This stunning development sets into motion a flurry of suppositions and questions, of course, regarding just who will be the next pope.

Tom Horn’s and Chris Putnam’s book, Petrus Romanus, was the subject of a recent book review on Rapture Ready. It’s theme is the prophecy by the Catholic Church’es St. Malachy, who predicted a string of popes that will conclude with the final pope –Peter the Roman.

The popes have, it has been determined, followed Malachey’s succession line to the letter, with the next to final pope being, it is said, of the order of the olive –which Pope Benedict chose to claim upon ascending to the papacy.

We have received many copies of today’s announcement from the Vatican. Great interest pervades the community of prophecy students, especially of the Pre-Trib view, in the matter of the line of succession of popes.

If this pope adopts the name of Petrus Romanus, or something similar to do with the name of the apostle Peter, we might be looking into a most profound development in prophetic progression. If he chooses some other name that is diametrically different, the line of Malachy’s prophecy regarding Roman Catholic popes will have been broken.

We watch, with you –and with great interest.

This is all incredibly exciting because 2 Thessalonians clearly says that the Antichrist WON'T BE REVEALED until AFTER THE RAPTURE!
While we have NO IDEA THE DAY OR THE HOUR of our Lord's return...Jesus himself said that when you see ALL THESE THINGS begin to happen, then lift up your heads, start looking into the sky and be ready for the trumpet to sound calling us all into the clouds to meet Christ.
If today were the day....are you excited to meet Jesus?  Are you READY to meet Jesus?
If we can't answer 'Yes!" to either of those questions, maybe today is the day when you ask yourself why you aren't excited and ready to meet YOUR King. 

Today is the day of salavation for any who have not accepted Christ!

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