
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Retail Apocalypse

The media is telling us that "things are getting better".  They tell us that "jobs are coming back."  They tell us that, "Housing is coming back."  And then they point to the stock market and say, "See!!  The Market is coming back!  We are saved!!"

So are we?

When you step back and take a look at the bigger picture, the rapid decline of some of our largest retail chains really is stunning.

It is happening already in some areas, but soon half empty malls and boarded up storefronts will litter the landscapes of cities all over America.

Just check out some of these store closing numbers for 2013. These numbers are from a recent Yahoo Finance article...
Best Buy
Forecast store closings: 200 to 250
Sears Holding Corp.
Forecast store closings: Kmart 175 to 225, Sears 100 to 125
J.C. Penney
Forecast store closings: 300 to 350
Office Depot
Forecast store closings: 125 to 150
Barnes & Noble
Forecast store closings: 190 to 240, per company comments
Forecast store closings: 500 to 600
Forecast store closings: 150 to 175
Forecast store closings: 450 to 550

The RadioShack in a nearby town just closed up where I live. This is all happening so fast that it is hard to believe.

But the truth is that those store closings are not the entire story. When you dig deeper you find a lot more retailers that are in trouble.

Meanwhile, the U.S. economy is getting worse with each passing day.
If you doubt that economic conditions are getting worse, please read this article: "Show This To Anyone That Believes That 'Things Are Getting Better' In America".

When you look at the cold, hard numbers, it is undeniable what is happening to America.
And our leaders are not doing anything to fix our problems. In fact, most of the time they are just making things worse.

So buckle up and get prepared. We are in for very bumpy ride, and this is only just the beginning.


But what are Americans doing as the nation begins to unravel?  Watching lots of porn, drinking lots of alcohol, watching lots of TV, watching lots of sports and reading VERY LITTLE of their Bibles....which begs the question, "Who is America's god?"

Jesus said,
“Be careful, or your hearts will be weighed down with carousing, drunkenness and the anxieties of life, and THAT DAY will close on you suddenly like a trap.  Luke 21:34
What are you talking about, Jesus?...what do you mean by "that day"?....what day??

1 comment:

  1. It is interesting that at a time where more is done on computer and media than ever, 6 out of the 8 companies listed as closing stores specialize in computer and media.
