
Monday, February 18, 2013

SNL Spoofs Jesus

Just so you are aware how folks feel free to spoof Jesus (some would say blaspheme Jesus), please watch this Saturday Night Live skit that recently aired.


As you are watching Jesus and the disciples doing all sorts of things never done, ask yourself this one simple question;  Would the daring people of SNL be so brave as to make a funny skit about Muhammad?

Or would they be too terrified of having Fatwas (death orders with cash rewards) put on their heads and maybe even starting riots all through the Muslim world?

Of course this PROVES that violence does work to intimidate people...when Islam is one of the most spoof able religions on earth and SNL is scared to touch it.

How sad that in America comics free to blaspheme and make fun of the TRUE CREATOR of the UNIVERSE....but are terrified to make fun of Muhammad and/or Allah...who are both clearly Satanic in origin.

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