
Monday, February 18, 2013

Surprise!! Adam Lanza and Violent Video Games

Finally!!  Maybe the liberals who believe that "black, scary looking guns" are what caused the murder at Sandy Hook Elementary, will see the problem is much deeper?

Connecticut police found thousands of dollars worth of violent video games in the home of Adam Lanza, who mercilessly gunned down 20 children and six teachers at Sandy Hook Elementary School in December.

During a search of the Newtown home he shared with his mother, Nancy Lanza, who also died Dec. 10 at the hands of her son, authorities discovered what appeared to be dozens, if not hundreds, of graphically violent games, the Hartford Courant reported.

The sad discovery has led detectives to investigate whether Lanza, 20, who turned one of his rifles on himself, may have been mimicking a gory scenario in one of the violent games he so loved to play.

Police are also looking into whether Lanza, who was said to have bonded with his mother at gun ranges, was emulating a scenario that he may have seen at one.
Lanza, who had Asperger’s syndrome, has been described by family friends as a lonely young man who isolated himself in his bedroom for hours, if not days, while playing violent video games.


Oh man!  I'm guessing the media is going to be all over this story!!  They have the smoking gun that caused the murders at Sandy Hook!!  It was video games that taught him that MURDER IS ENTERTAINMENT!

I'm sure very soon Obama is going to come out and speak against his Hollywood friends who have made billions off of selling murder, violence and porn through movies and video games....selling them to our most innocent consumers, young children.  I'm quite certain that Team Obama is going to soon come up with a way to ban these heinous products and make it a felony to sell murder as entertainment!

Right!!  Please don't hold your breath.

Nope....they got a whole slough of willing liberals who know NOTHING about believing that 'black guns with scary looking features" are the real problem in America!  It has nothing to do with ANYTHING else but those DANG BLACK GUNS!!

Friends, we have some REAL DEEP PROBLEMS in our society.  We have allowed millions of our young boys to be raised watching GORY MURDER MOVIES as entertainment and MURDER VIDEO GAMES where they score lots of points for murdering anyone they can while role playing their way through the game.

And THEN when a few of them actually do raise up and murder....we want to act all outraged and surprised.

"I can't believe it!!  Adam was always such a nice boy!  He loved his video games and movies!  He would spend days all alone in his room just playing these games and watching movies all by himself!  He had never hurt anyone before this!  I wonder what could have possessed him to do such a heinous thing?"

Lord help us.

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