
Friday, February 8, 2013

Russia, Abortions and No Will to Live

Did you know that if a society gets to a place where every married couple is having 2 kids or less....that the society is dying off?

To which some of you will say, "Duh!"

I know, I sounds obvious, but so are lots of things that most folks have never thought about.

Think about takes 4-5 kids all working and generating income and paying taxes to support the huge social programs that the previous generation voted in for themselves, like Social Security and Medicare.'s REAL expensive to give every person in America older than 65 a whole bunch of medical care and monthly income.

So what's up with Russia?  What is happening in that dark, dreary place where vodka is the national drink and the Holy Spirit has been stifled?

This week Russian president Vladimir Putin brought Boyz II Men to Moscow to "hopefully [give] Russian men some inspiration ahead of St. Valentine's Day," according to the Moscow Times. That is, Putin brought the music group to town to encourage love-making, and, he hopes, baby-making to offset Russia's demographic disaster.

But, according to statistics in a new book by Jonathan V. Last, it might have been a wiser move for Putin bring in a pro-life group instead. The book is titled What to Expect When No One’s Expecting.

Russia's demographic disaster, Last details, is being exacerbated by the fact that abortions are outpacing live births in Russia. "Abortion is rampant, with 13 abortions performed for every 10 live births," writes Last. "Consider that for a moment: Russians are so despondent about the future that they have 30 percent more abortions than births."

Last says that "This might be the most grisly statistic the world has ever seen. It suggests a society that no longer has the will to live."


Holy extinction!!  The Russians are going extinct!  13 abortions for every 10 live births!!  That is so sad and so tragic that it's hard to grasp what this even means!!

Of course we also must realize that Russia is one of the most God-less places on nothing should surprise us when Satan has the run of the roost with not much to restrain him. (very little Holy Spirit indwelling its population)

Here's what we do know....when societies start to vanish and die off, they can act VERY erratically.

Is it a surprise that Putin the Dictator has come back onto the scene and is blustering all about?  Not really.  Is it a surprise the Japan had to scramble fighter jets yesterday because Russian war planes were violating their air space?  Not really.  Is it a surprise that Russia has started flying their old nuclear-bomber runs and testing the US Air Force response just like they did for 30 years of Cold War?  Not really.

Most prophecy watchers continue to expect Russia to lead a Last Days coalition which includes Iran, Turkey and some other North African Muslim nations when they hatch a plan to exterminate Israel and are wiped out by God before they can launch the job.

So we should not be surprised as we watch Russia continue to spin out of control.  With no children....they have no future.  This could explain why they go looking to take wealth from Israel....because they can't create any of their own without an up and coming work force.

Finally, please remember that America isn't too far behind the Russians in our birth rates.  Failing societies figure, "Why have kids when we can have the government care for us with a lot less hassle?"

Ummm.....that doesn't work....and usually ends up with a $17 trillion dollar credit card bill.

America has aborted 50,000,000 of our own babies in the last 40 years.....that's a lot of future workers who AREN'T around to pay into Social Security to keep Grandma in her apartment.

I sure am glad God has this whole story under His TOTAL CONTROL....otherwise these stories could get a bit depressing.

Hat tip to Kevin W.

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