Thursday, February 21, 2013

The Fall of America

Most everyone who will be reading this blog would agree that the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is NEVER CHANGING.  He is the alpha and the omega...the beginning and the end.  What He did in ages past...He will do again.

So let's read what happened to the people of Judah as they ignored the word and call of God;

The Fall of Jerusalem
15 The Lord, the God of their ancestors, sent word to them through his messengers again and again, because he had pity on his people and on his dwelling place. 16 But they mocked God’s messengers, despised his words and scoffed at his prophets until the wrath of the Lord was aroused against his people and there was no remedy.  2 Chronicles 36

Wow!  The wrath of the Lord was aroused AGAINST HIS PEOPLE until it finally got to the point where it couldn't be stopped...there was no remedy!

Now cut and paste as to what is happening in America.  Even though Dr. Jeremiah, Chip Ingram, James McDonald, John McArthur, Chuck Swindol, and countless other preachers are broadcasting their messages on thousands of radio and TV stations at all hours of the day, warning us AGAIN AND AGAIN that we can not ignore God and need to seek peace with Jesus, AND ONLY JESUS....the nation is mocking them. 

Instead of repenting, humbling ourselves and begging God not to destroy this nation...we are actually INVENTING NEW WAYS to do EVIL.

A mother was just arrested for hiring strippers to do lap dances at her teen-age son's birthday party!  Men are screwing little girls while their mothers pimp them out.  Porn has blanketed the land and has invaded the minds of our 8 yr old children.  10 yr old children were arrested for plotting to kill a 10 yr old girl with a knife and gun.  A kindergarten class in CA were all caught at recess taken down their pants and performing oral sex on each other.  Dozens of female teachers have been arrested for having sex with their students.  The demands of gays to embrace their lifestyle has hit a fevered pitch.  Catholic priests by the dozens are guilty of sexually molesting little boys.  Posing to other gods through YOGA has become as common as the YMCA.  SNL feels no remorse of blaspheming Jesus Christ in front of millions of viewers....his death and resurrection made into something to laugh at.  Hollywood produces butcher movies and try to outdo each other with heinous ways of torturing and killing people...and sell it as entertainment to our kids...and 90% of parents say NOTHING except, "Oh well?...what are you going to do?", as they shrug their shoulders.  And the killing of innocent babies has now exceeded 50,000,000 over the past 40 years.

But the people of America continue to scoff at the very clear words of God, delivered by his prophets and broadcast by His preachers.

God is NEVER CHANGING.  America WILL BE DESTROYED....we just don't know when that day will be.

As for those of us who love Christ and believe His promises....we continue to listen for the trumpet call and spend our time working our spiritual gifts and warning those around us that TODAY IS THE DAY OF SALVATION.  Repent and turn to Christ to find peace with God....because the wrath of God IS COMING for this wicked place.

Even so, Come Lord Jesus!


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