Friday, March 8, 2013

6 Things Christians Should Quit Saying

I saw the headline of this blog post sitting on the side bar of Google News...and of course was intrigued.

What 6 things should Christians quit saying?  And why would one of the most liberal websites in the world have an article about Christians and what they need to quit saying?

The article will amaze you, and sadden you, on quite a few fronts.

Christians must stop saying the following things.

1. The Bible is the inerrant, infallible Word of God.
It isn't inerrant and not likely even in the "original manuscripts."

2. We just believe the Bible.
That, too, is false. What you really believe is your interpretation of the Bible.

3. Jesus is the only way to heaven.
What you are really saying is, "The way we interpret John 14:6 is that Jesus was clearly drawing a line in the sand and telling his hearers and the world: 'If you do not believe in Me, you won't go to the Father when you die.'"

4. The rapture of Jesus is imminent.
Again, if you want to believe in some secret rapture of Christians from the earth just before the Tribulation, if you want to believe in and carry around in your hip pocket detailed charts and graphs of how its all going to happen, then so be it. But do the rest of us a favor and stop saying so in public.

5. Homosexuality is a chosen lifestyle and it is a sin against God.
This one issue, my friend, is on the outs. If you don't know that, you are more blind than the Republicans were in the last election.

6. The earth is less than 10,000 years old.
If you want to believe that Genesis is a scientific description of the origins of the universe, then have at it. Just stop insisting that those myths be taught in our public schools

Holy Rip-the-foundations-of-Christianity-to-shreds!!

Now here is the MOST amazing thing this author says:
There are scores of Christians, however, and I am one of them, who do not interpret Jesus' words in John 14 the same way. Just because I do not makes me no less Christian than you are. So stop drawing lines in the sand, please, between equally sincere followers of Jesus.

and then;

It is my hope these Christians will know there are equally sincere Christians like myself and others who do not believe Jesus was drawing a line in the sand between him and some new religion he was creating and all the other religions of the world.

and then;

Now, there is one thing I think all Christians, including me, should remember -- no, should practice (and we should practice this between ourselves first, too) -- and that is the one simple thing Jesus once said would be the one-and-only thing the world would know us by...
Not our beliefs.
Not our doctrines.
Not our denomination's distinctions.
Not even our declarations.

Jesus said, "They will know you are my disciples by your love" (John 13:35).
When we love, what more needs to be said?

Friends!!   This guy pulled down everything it means to be a sincere follower of Jesus Christ and yet he claimed AT LEAST 3 SEPERATE TIMES TO BE A CHRISTIAN!!!

Jesus said that attacks would come from WITHIN THE FLOCK.  He also warned us that in the very last days many scoffers would come laughing at the thought of Jesus' return, and wolves in sheep's clothing would multiply.

We need to read this stuff and get ready to stand firm against our non-believing friends and families.

Jesus DID SAY, "I am the ONLY way to the Father." 

If we let this guy throw the ONLY REASON for Christ to come...we may as well pack up our church, sell everything and give the money to the food shelf and the GAY LOVE ADVANCEMENT ORGANIZATION and the CHRISTIAN PORN MAKERS OF AMERICA.  Our 'religion' would be worthless.


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