
Thursday, March 7, 2013

Chavez to be Resurrected with Jesus and 12th Imam!

"Who wants an atomic bomb?"

"I do!...I do!", said Iran's President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

"Mahmoud, why do you want an atomic bomb so badly?"

"Because the 'perfect human being' told me I needed one," said Mahmoud.

"Why would the 12th Imam (perfect human) come out of the well he has been hidden in for 900 years to tell you such a thing?"

"Because he said I needed it to create world-wide chaos!  The world needs to be in compete chaos so that the 12th Imam can return, bringing Jesus with him, and together they can rule the world with perfect Islamic law...after they kill anyone who won't convert to Islam!",  answered Mahmoud.

"I see.  Will anyone else be coming back with the 12th Imam and Jesus?"

"Yes!  Hugo Chavez!!", exclaimed Mahmoud, barely able to contain his excitement.

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has predicted that Hugo Chavez would be resurrected along with Jesus and a sacred Muslim prophet.

“I have no doubt he will come again along with all the righteous people and the Prophet Jesus and the only successor of the righteous generation, the perfect human,” Ahmadinejad said in a statement released in Persian on the president's official website Wednesday, the New York Times reported.
The "perfect human" refers to the Hidden Imam, who Shiite Muslims believe disappeared in the ninth century but expect to re-emerge.

Ahmadinejad also stood behind Vice President Nicolas Maduro's allegation that Venezuela's "enemies" were somehow responsible for infecting Chavez with the cancer that killed him, Agence France-Presse reported.
Wednesday was declared a national day of mourning in Iran as well, according to AFP.


So you think it would be a little problem or a big problem to let little Mahmoud get the launch codes for an ICBM with a nuclear warhead screwed on the end of it?

If you were Israel....would you ever let him get to that point?

If you were Obama....would you ever let him get to that point?

Please don't be surprised if ANY DAY NOW you wake up to the news that Israel has destroyed numerous targets with a massive air assault into Iran and that Iran has responded by launching thousands of missiles into Israel and at U.S. Military bases and forces in the region.

Of course I don't KNOW that this will happen...I just won't be surprised if it does.

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