
Wednesday, March 6, 2013

"Don't Judge" Those Who Enjoy Bestiality

Certainly, we KNEW it would follow close on the heals of the requirement that we ALL ACCEPT gay sex as a NORMAL expression of human sexuality...and here it is.

On Saturday afternoon, Yale hosted a “sensitivity training” in which students were asked to consider topics such as bestiality, incest, and accepting money for sex.

During the workshop, entitled, "Sex: Am I Normal," students anonymously asked and answered questions about sex using their cell phones, and viewed the responses in real time in the form of bar charts.

Survey responses revealed that nine percent of attendees had been paid for sex, 3 percent had engaged in bestiality, and 52 percent had participated in "consensual pain" during sex, according to an article published in the Yale Daily News on Monday.

"People do engage in some of these activities that we believe only for example perverts engage in,” she said. “What the goal is is to increase compassion for people who may engage in activities that are not what you would personally consider normal.”

“It tries to get people to be more sensitive … to sexual diversity,” McDevitt told Campus Reform in an interview on Monday. “We’re not all heterosexual, able-bodied folks who have standard missionary sex.”

"I think that's what the point of the workshop was — to bring up things we thought we so taboo and desire or urges we criticize are just regular parts of sexual psychology," he said.
During the workshop, McDevitt taught the approximately 40 students that just because people think something is deviant does not mean that it is bad.

“It’s sensitivity training,” McDevitt told Campus Reform. “Don't judge other people, because we all have something we are embarrassed about.”


And there it is again!..."Don't judge!"  That is certainly the battle cry of atheists, perverts, adulterers, greedy, drunkards, etc....  They don't want anyone telling them that what they are doing is sinful!

If some woman in Vegas wants to hump a dog..."Don't judge!  Be sensitive to HER needs!  How about a little compassion!  She just wants satisfaction in life just like everybody else!  Just because she isn't on YOUR path doesn't mean she is lost!"

How sad when you look at the history and foundation of Yale....and now look at what they allow on campus.

Yale's charterThis vision was fulfilled in 1701, when the charter was granted for a school “wherein Youth may be instructed in the Arts and Sciences [and] through the blessing of Almighty God may be fitted for Publick employment both in Church and Civil State.”

Of course this shouldn't surprise should sadden us but it shouldn't surprise us.  If you went to the once great Lutheran colleges, Baptist colleges, Methodist colleges, you would find GLBT clubs and witness lots of drunkenness, casual sex, lack of Bible knowledge and lots of kids trying to look and act JUST LIKE THE REST OF THE WORLD.

America may have started as a place where the light of Jesus Christ was meant to shine for all the world to see.....but that light is starting to go dim.

Thank the Lord that as our light goes dim, it is beginning to burn bright in China, Iran, parts of Africa and other previously dark places.

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