
Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Severed Animal Heads in Israel

The book of Revelation tells us that when the pale horse is released during The Tribulation that it's rider will be named Death and that Hades will be following close behind.  They will be given power over 1/4 of the earth to kill by sword (war), famine, plague, and wild animals.

Wait...what?  Wild animals will be killing people?  You mean like wolves, coyotes, bears, lions, tigers, etc...

Yep, that's what God says.

So today we find a bunch of severed animal heads around Israel.  Yep, the PETA folks are in Israel too...and they were putting the severed heads around in the streets of Israel to protest the killing of animals.

I'm guessing that those PETA folks are really going to be mad when the Third Temple gets built in Jerusalem and the daily slaughter of animals for sacrifice gets ramped up?

"Every given moment, here and abroad billions of animals are tortured and murdered, which are all individuals that wished to live in peace and well being. The problem lays in the human species it self, which excluding in some rare exceptions are violent, destructive and imperialistic. This is a war in which we will not lose, because a forfeit here would mean the continuation of the most horrific oppression ever devised. This action was carried out in the name of all those whose screams you refuse to hear, whose anguish you remove from your hearts, ears and conscience," the statement read.

 "The walls of the slaughterhouses have long been transparent, the egg farms, dairy farms, vivisection labs, 'animal shows' and clothing industries atrocities are open for all to see and yet you remain silent. Our grandchildren will ask us one day: Where were you during the Holocaust of the animals? What did you do against these horrifying crimes? We won't be able to offer the same excuse for the second time, that we didn't know."


"So Dennis, what the heck does your mention of wild animals killing people during The Tribulation have to do with PETA of Israel putting severed heads all around?"

Simple.  Because I wonder if these PETA folks will still believe that ALL ANIMALS are "individuals that wished to live in peace and well being..."  while they are being chased by lions, tigers and bears and being torn to shreds and devoured by them?

Also of interest...if you went to these very PETA people that just compared killing animals for food to The Holocaust and asked them where they stand on the millions of babies aborted every year...they would set down down their "SAVE THE ANIMALS!" banner and pick up their "FETUSES ARE NOT HUMAN BEINGS!" banner.

They APPROVE of the murder of babies...but are outraged at the killing of goats.

Can you say, "Satanic deception?"

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