
Monday, March 4, 2013

New Psalm 23, Obama is My Shepherd....

Friends, this is getting bizarre.  The Wall Street Journal had this in the Opinion section written by best-selling author, Mark Helprin.  Coincidentally, he is a Jew.

I only cut and paste about half the article below so you really must go to the article and read the whole thing....then print it and hang it on your fridge for others to read.

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of debt, I fear no bankruptcy, for Obama is my shepherd. He prepareth a table of food stamps before me, and maketh me lie down beside waters He hath cleansed and seas He hath made recede, even though the bad Republicans wisheth the earth to be burnt unto a cinder, and will not buy the electric car that is good, for it hath zero emissions, and receiveth its power from a power plant, which hath not zero emissions, but the ways of the President are mysterious.

He hath told the stubborn Israelites, evil builders of apartments, that they know not their own interests and He does, and know not what they do, when they fear the nuclear weapon of the Persians. The ways of the President are mysterious. He alloweth the Persians to get the nuclear weapon (unless He hath something up His sleeve), for He knoweth that when they behold Him they will stay their hand, and not burn the Israelites unto a cinder, as they pronounce.

Yea, though I accumulate debt higher than the mountains of Gilboa, and the deadbeats skip like rams, I shall not want, for Bernanke maketh funny money, and the President smiles upon the land, but not upon the bad Republicans. For they wisheth to live within their means, which surely must be evil. And what would you expect from people who are suspicious of Social Security? And wisheth to burn the earth unto a cinder.

Fear not the Chinois, whose power waxes as ours wanes, for someday thy children's children shall journey over the sea that Obama hath made recede, west of the land of Geffen and Famous Amos, to build railroads for Beijing. Then the Third World will have inherited the earth, and the strong will have been laid low, which is good, and which is also the Democratic platform.

But arithmetic notwithstanding, I will dwell in the house of Obama all the days of my life. (Why not four terms, and what about Michelle? For the Constitution liveth.) And, the earth having been purified, surely it will be good when—and where do I apply for—government assistance will be the only thing left.


Yes, the article is VERY cleverly written....but make no mistake about it...this was not written for entertainment.  This is a warning.

The divide is growing in this nation, people.  Members of the same family are divided.  Half the family are so cheerful that gay marriage, gun bans and 'free' medical care are coming that they are almost giddy whenever they see Obama....while the other half screams, "Can't you see what this guy is doing?  We are going to collapse into a sea of chaos!!"

Others believe that our charismatic president is actually hell-bent on letting America implode...because Obama actually believes in his heart of hearts that America has been BAD for the little guy, black guys, Indians and Latinos.  So by letting her implode...we can have a "reset" button where socialism can bloom and the deer and the antelope can play!!

Maybe my earthly pessimism today is simply because it's 25 degrees, cloudy and setting up to snow 9 inches....maybe all of this pessimism will simply vanish (poof!) once the sunshine and green grass come to Minnesota in a few months?

Or MAYBE all these warnings coming almost every day from numerous directions and authors are because something unimaginable IS coming...and life as we know it could be gone forever?  And we Americans, who eat most of our meals at Applebees and Arby's, are going to be so blown away that we are going to have to run to the store to buy some oil for our lamps....only to find that the oil is gone. (see Parable of the Ten Virgins)

For a very concise account of HOW our nation got to this point....please read the short, little book by Erwin Lutzer titled, WHEN A NATION FORGETS GOD.

Oh, and one final thing...Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Glenn Beck WILL NOT BE ABLE TO FIX THIS!!  This is a spiritual problem.

Hat tip to Becky M. for giving me that book.

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