
Saturday, March 9, 2013

China Preparing for Bretton Woods II

Many of you have heard me speak about and blog about Bretton Woods monetary agreement that took place following WWII.

For any new readers, here is a VERY brief reminder;

Most of the world was destroyed in WWII...except for America.  The leaders of the world all met at Bretton Woods resort out east to hammer out how the heck the world was going to rebuild its shattered currency and economic system.

Since America had 50% of the entire world's manufacturing capability and also had most of the was agreed upon that America would take the title (and responsibility) of having the earth's ONLY reserve currency.

We promised to print only $35 of currency for every ounce of gold we had on deposit at Fort Knox.  If you can find a dollar bill from the 1940's, you would see that printed right on the face of the paper money it said, "Exchangeable for gold"....meaning that our U.S. dollars WERE THE GOLD STANDARD for every one else in the world.

Every other currency in the world was pegged to the U.S. dollar.

In the early 1970's, the Federal Government needed lots of money to drop bombs on Viet Nam and Cambodia.  We didn't have enough gold in the vault to print enough money to buy the bombs that we President Nixon took us OFF the gold standard.

Going forward, our currency was now backed ONLY by the "Full faith and confidence" of the U.S. Government supplied by the U.S. Treasury.

"Holy crap Batman!  You can't be serious!", said the Boy-Wonder.'s true.

With that as a back you can see why this article is so interesting.

China Preparing To Impose Bretton Woods II Gold Standard
With continued volatility in the gold and silver markets, today acclaimed money manager Stephen Leeb told King World News the Chinese accumulated a remarkable 1,500 tons of gold last year, and they are preparing to demand a second Bretton Woods type meeting. This is a stunning interview because it lays out how the bulls will win the gold war, and how China will force that victory. Here is what Leeb had to say in this exclusive interview, which is his most powerful ever: “The flow of power and gold is going from West to East. China may have accumulated a staggering 1,500 tons of gold last year alone. China’s growth is now picking up steam as well. What is really stunning is how much the yuan has increased in terms of international transactions.”
“The usage of the yuan in international transactions has been increasing at an unbelievable 170% per year. That’s how fast the yuan has been increasing in terms of international transactions. So goes the gold, so goes the power, and you can see it in the prominence the yuan is gaining.
The Chinese definitely have a plan here and that is to get control of gold....
Have you ever heard the saying, "He with the gold makes the rules?"
So the bad news is that mayhem, anarchy, world-order disruption and chaos my soon be coming...because the baton or world power, as exercised through currency, may be falling away from America and into the hands of someone else.
The good news is that Jesus is coming...and all these things MUST happen!

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