
Sunday, March 10, 2013

"Buy My Wife For $70"

Can you imagine the life altering changes that would come from the collapse of society? 

Can you imagine selling your 19 yr old daughter to horny, strange men for $7 per sex act?

Can you imagine what it would be like to be living in a tent for months with no job, no food and no money to do anything but sit?

The Syrian people who have fled for their lives are currently finding all these things out.

ZAATARI, Jordan (AP) — Walk among the plastic tents in one corner of this sprawling, dust-swept desert camp packed with Syrian refugees, and a young woman in a white headscarf signals.
"Come in, you'll have a good time," suggests Nada, 19, who escaped from the southern border town of Daraa into Jordan several months ago. Her father, sporting a salt-and-pepper beard and a traditional red-checkered headscarf, sits outside under the scorching sun, watching silently.

Nada prices her body at $7, negotiable. She says she averages $70 a day.

Several tents away, a clean-shaven, tattooed young Syrian man, who says he was a barber back in the city of Idlib, offers his wife. "You can have her all day for $70," he promises. He says he never imagined he would be selling his own wife, but he needs to send money back to his parents and in-laws in Syria, about $200 a month.

Scores of the Syrian women who escaped to Jordan are turning to prostitution, some forced or sold into it, even by their families. Some women refugees are highly vulnerable to exploitation by pimps or traffickers, particularly since a significant number fled without their husbands — sometimes with their children — and have little or no source of income.

Residents at the camp complain that the unlit toilets become brothels at night, and aid workers say dozens of babies are born without documentation for their fathers, possibly because of prostitution. Mohammed Abu Zureiq, 50, a camp janitor from Daraa, says along with prostitution, some women at the camp are sold outright.

Among the casualties is an 18-year-old native of Homs, Syria, who arrived in Zaatari camp last summer. Soon after, her father married her for $1,000 to a 22-year-old Jordanian man who frequently visited the camp. The husband then handed her over to a brothel in Irbid, where she is among 20 women pimped out by a man who calls himself Faroun, Arabic for Pharaoh.

Her parents went back to Syria in January, leaving her alone in Jordan.

"Now I have nobody to turn to," says the tiny, soft-spoken young woman, no more than a girl, who looks away without answering when asked about prostitution. The AP does not name victims of sexual abuse.

Her husband, who identifies himself as Ali, acknowledges cheerfully that he forces her to have sex with him and with others, for money.

"I've got nothing to lose," he says, smiling. "I will eventually divorce her and she'll end up going home."

"My neighbor sold his daughter for $2,000 to a Saudi man his age," he says.


Can I start out here by saying, again, that MEN ARE PIGS.  Men without Christ are just like wild hogs, rooting around in crap.  Put a few demons in them and you can entice them to screw dead people.

I wonder when the Syrians will call out to their Muslim god, Allah, and ask him why they are such a poor, hungry, perverted, women-abusing bunch of folks? 

Why are so many of the nations that pledge allegiance to Allah having such a miserable, poor, violent, hate filled existence here on earth?

They keep saying over and over, "Allah akbar", which translates, "Allah is greater!"....greater than who?

Of course followers of Christ recognize that Allah is acutally a Satanic god that has NOTHING TO DO with the deity of Jesus Satan desires worship and has brainwashed hundreds of millions of lost souls to blindly follow him (via Allah).

And now that he has hundreds of millions of Muslims sitting squarely in his back pocket...Satan knows he has their souls when they die...and so these Muslims are turning on each other like never before and butchering, raping, starving, torturing and beheading each other by the thousands....and you can bet a pretty sum that their behavior towards each other is ONLY GOING TO GET WORSE as the End of the Age draws to a close.

Surrendering to Jesus Christ is the ONLY way that anyone will find joy even when enduring miserable conditions on this earth....and clearly we need to pray that the Satanic, hell-on-earth that millions of Muslims are currently experiencing can be used to bring these people to the point where they cry out to Jesus....the ONLY name given to men for salvation.


  1. Sooo.... Do you like making up things about evolution and saying they are true when they are not true? Like, the whole half one animal half other animal crap that you tried to pull? Or do you honestly not understand how evolution works?


  3. If you built a garage and let it stand is called a garage. If you use the same building materials of rafters, shingles, doors, then go on and build a that then proof that the house evolved from a garage? The photo link you gave explains ONLY that.

    I will continue this discussion when you explain to me YOUR ideas on where life came from and how it started here on earth.

    I have explained my beliefs on this...please give us yours. I'll even let you assume that the water and minerals (building blocks of life) just created themselves out of nothing.

    So take us back to a time on earth when it was just rocks and water and start us with the first life form. After that you can give us your theory on how grass, trees, frogs, monkeys and humans all came about...from rocks and water.

  4. First, in science you can only disprove something and provide evidence for another thing. You can't prove things. You can be pretty sure, beyond a reasonable doubt, that something is true but skepticism is always necessary.

    Why are you so hung up on how life started? That has no relation to evolution, really.

    There are actually many different ideas about the origins of life on Earth. I can't say any of them are right or wrong because the exact mechanism of abiogenesis isn't known.

    I will reiterate that a lack of knowledge about a certain phenomena isn't sufficient reason to attribute the phenomena to a god.

    And again, a lack of knowledge about a certain phenomena isn't sufficient reason to attribute the phenomena to a god.

    Evolution is fact. Explanations of the origins of the universe/life on earth aren't necessary to understand the mechanisms of evolution and how they worked to populate this planet with the diversity of life we see today.

  5. Anonymous,
    why do you care what I believe? Are we followers of Christ somehow offensive to you because we see evidence all around us (and in us) that God is real? You simply can't understand that our evidence comes from much more than the Bible. If you want to make the world a better place...maybe you should find a Muslim blogger who is advocating the destruction of all humans on earth who WON'T submit to Allah...and attempt to convince them that Allah isn't real? As you know the Muslim world is coming unhinged and threatening to destroy, or at least destablize, the entire your efforts to convince them, in an attempt to save the world, may be better spent there.

    Evolution might be a fact to you...but it's not 'fact' to billions of folks on earth...including me. It is laughable.

    To imagine that all life on earth came from one (magically made?) single-celled creature would take some serious imagination...and serious faith in scientific theory.

    For the record, I believe that God created animals IN KIND...meaning that survival of the fittest DOES apply and makes grizzly bears white (Polar bear) so they can hunt seals better on ice. In fact they now have proof that polar bears are However, I will never believe that species evolved into other species. When cats have can take it to the bank that one of the babies will NEVER be a might have a FUZZIER kitten that would survive the cold better....but never a puppy. :)

  6. The thing about the truth is that it is still true even if a lot of people don't believe it to be true. The number of people who agree with a statement is no reason to agree or disagree with a statement.

    And for the people who actually know what they are talking about when it comes to evolution... "Only 700 out of 480,000 U.S. earth and life scientists gave credence to creationism in 1987,[27] representing about 0.146% of relevant scientists"

    How is your God making things not "magical"?

    But you still seem to hung up on the origins of life when evolution doesn't pertain to the origins of life.

    They have proof (again that word proof... why do you keep using it like that? Evidence, sir." that polar bears are what? Related to Grizzly Bears? Well that isn't all that surprising. And it only provides more evidence for evolution.

    Here is a link.

    I'm starting to get really confused. It sounds like you actually do think evolution happens. Good for you :)

    "Scientific theories are the most reliable, rigorous, and comprehensive form of scientific knowledge.[3] This is significantly different from the word "theory" in common usage, which implies that something is unsubstantiated or speculative."

    Evolutionary Theory is not of some lower class that scientists hold below other types of scientific theories.

    "The strength of a scientific theory is related to the diversity of phenomena it can explain, which is measured by its ability to make falsifiable predictions with respect to those phenomena. Theories are improved as more evidence is gathered, so that accuracy in prediction improves over time."

    Evolution fits the above quote so well. You'd be amazed how many predictions based on evolution have been made and subsequently have had evidence to support those predictions.

    I sure hope you can take it to the bank that cats never have puppies! What a laughable idea. I honestly think that is hilarious! I like how you are thinking critically about evolution. I don't think cat's will ever have puppies either because evolution doesn't predict that, at all. So, I'm glad we are on the same page about that!

  7. You said, "The thing about the truth is that it is still true even if a lot of people don't believe it to be true. The number of people who agree with a statement is no reason to agree or disagree with a statement."

    I agree with you!

    Just because millions of people don't believe in heaven or hell or the Diety of Jesus Christ doesn't mean they don't exist.

    "Wide is the road that leads to destruction and MANY will be on it. Narrow is the path that leads to life and FEW will find it."

    As you look at the mess that man is in on earth and look at the outright rejection of the TRUTH that Jesus/God came to bring...His words are hitting home.

    People embracing the false ideas that we morphed from rocks and water without a Creator putting it all together with a purpose and a plan...are definately on the wide road.

    If you could put all the parts of a Rolex watch in a shoe many billions of years would you have to shake the box until one day you opened it to find they had (by random chance) fashioned themselves into a running, ticking Rolex? It would never happen. You know that to be true.

    As sceintists continue to discover the complexities of life...many are also reaching the same conclusion. THERE HAD TO BE A CREATOR! Now it is up to you to SEEK and find out WHO that Creator is! His desire is that NONE WOULD PERISH.

    The Bible is clear...someone with your intelligence, Anonymous, will NOT HAVE AN EXCUSE for denying the existence of a Creator.

  8. "As sceintists continue to discover the complexities of life...many are also reaching the same conclusion."

    There you go, making things up again... So sad.
