
Sunday, March 10, 2013

Russia Conducts Huge Nuke Drill

This sure is a bad time to be on earth if one is fearful of a nuclear holocaust.

For years now we have been hearing about Iran seeking a nuke to destroy Israel.

Last week America got threatened with nukes from North Korea.

Yesterday I read an article about nukes in Pakistan falling into the hands of Islamists and torching the globe.

Now we have Russia back waving their nuclear capacities in every one's face.

Russian nuclear forces conducted a major exercise last month that tested the transport of both strategic and tactical nuclear weapons near Europe, according to United States officials.

The exercise raised concerns inside the Pentagon and with the U.S. European Command because it was the largest exercise of its kind in 20 years and involved heightened alert status of Russian nuclear forces.

The exercises followed a recent surge in Russian strategic bomber flights that include a recent circling of the U.S. Pacific island of Guam by two Tu-95 Bear bomber and simulated bombing runs by Tu-95s against Alaska and California in June and July.

However, a U.S. official said the exercise was a concern within the U.S. national security community because of the scale of the exercise and the number of weapons being moved. “Certainly it’s a concern when you have this kind of exercise going on,” this official said.

The official said another worry is that Russia appears to be increasing the readiness of its nuclear forces at a time when the U.S. nuclear complex is in urgent need of upgrading and the military is facing sharp automatic defense cuts that could affect U.S. nuclear forces readiness in the future.


Jesus told us that if he didn't cut the days of The Tribulation short (by His return to earth) that NO FLESH would survive.

Scientists tell us that a nuclear exchange could kill millions...but it would be the resultant nuclear winter, when all the clouds and ash block out the sun...that could terminate ALL LIFE on earth.

Is this just one more sign that the nations on earth are getting ready to push the buttons?

Do we have ANY DOUBTS that Muslim extremists WOULDN'T use nukes if they could get their hands on them?

Once more we can say it...we are ETERNALLY grateful to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  We know what our future is.

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