
Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Obama is in Israel. Blessings or Curses?

Don't be surprised if we get a huge earthquake, huge snowstorm, huge flood, huge tornado or huge hurricane sometime soon.


Because Obama is in Israel...and we are more than a little suspicious that Obama may be more prone to CURSE Israel rather than bless them.

TEL AVIV, ISRAEL: President Barack Obama plunged into the turbulent Middle East on Wednesday, assuring Israel of the US commitment to its security while cautioning that the region's "winds of change bring both promise and peril."

Obama declared common cause with Israel, noting that it was the first stop of the first trip of his second term and calling the US Israel's "strongest ally and your greatest friend."

Israeli President Shimon Peres welcomed Obama, declaring that "A world without America's leadership, without her moral voice, would be a darker world. A world without your friendship, would invite aggression against Israel."

Once in Jerusalem, a potent religious symbol as well as one of the main obstacles to an Israeli-Palestinian peace deal, Obama will make several cultural stops - to see some of the ancient Dead Sea Scrolls and pay tribute to the founder of modern Zionism - intended to show his appreciation for the Jewish people's millennia-old connection to the land that is now Israel as well as the horrors of the Holocaust. He will also visit the Church of Nativity, which is revered throughout Christiandom as the site where Jesus was born.

Obama will make an almost perfunctory visit to the cash-strapped Palestinian Authority's headquarters in the West Bank, where he will meet embattled Palestinian President
Mahmoud Abbas to assure him that an independent Palestinian state remains a U.S. foreign policy and national security priority. Despite not coming with any new plan to get the stalled peace process back on track, Obama plans to make clear that his administration intends to keep trying to get talks relaunched.


Hey!  It all sounds pretty good to us on the outside...Jerusalem, Dead Sea Scrolls, Zionism...

However, what we DON'T see or hear is what he saying to Netanyahu while riding together in the back of a limo. 

For instance, if Obama were to say something like;
"Listen Ben, we give you a lotta flippin money every year to keep your bagels out of hot water and we expect a little give on your part.  Here's how this is all gonna play out....I'm going to suggest you move your butts back to the 1967 lines and give the land back to the Arabs you took it from.  In exchange we are going to continue to send you Patriot Missiles and bunker buster bombs.  Also you WILL quit building in Jerusalem...because you know dang well that not only pisses off the Arabs, but it pisses off Muslims all over the bleeping world!"

If anything like that is said...expect some natural disasters to come our way.

I will remind you once again that lots of Christian folks are reportedly having dreams about the New Madrid fault...and they are more like nightmares.  In the dream they see America basically cut in half because of a monster quake that runs right up our guts and right through Kansas City...basically shutting us down.

If we continue pushing Israel to divide God's land....He may very well decide to divide ours.

I don't know about you, but I am MORE than ready for the rapture! 


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