
Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Syria Uses Chemical Weapons?

As we all know, Team Obama has said that if the Syrian Regime were to use chemical weapons...they will cross the red line and America will make sure they pay for crossing that line.

Big talk.

The thousand dollar question is;  Will that big talk be backed up with big action? 

Republican Mike Rogers, the chairman of the House of Representatives Intelligence Committee, said evidence showed chemical weapons had been used in Syria and that the US had to act before thousands were killed.

The warning came as David Cameron, the prime minister, used Prime Ministers Questions to warn that Syria was set on the same trajectory of slaughter as Bosnia in the 1990s. He said EU resistance to easing the arms embargo to assist rebel fighters was unacceptable.

"I felt sitting round the European Council chamber there was a slight similarity between some of the arguments that were being made about not putting more weapons into Syria that seemed to me to be very familiar to the discussions we had about Bosnia and the appalling events that followed," he said.

"In my view, it is better to be engaged, working with the Syrian opposition and trying to bring this conflict to an end."

Mr Rogers said there was a "high probability" a chemical agent was deployed in an incident that resulted in at least 25 deaths on Tuesday in northern Syria.

The lawmaker told "CBS This Morning" the US knows "there has been some forensic evidence that at least small quantities" of chemical weapons may have been used.

Mr Rogers also said the United States has "lost the faith" of the opposition forces, adding: "This is the time to act. Don't wait until we have 5,000 dead."


I hope we have some drones or some other type of magic CHEMICAL WEAPON ERASER we can fire from a satellite up in heaven....because I am quite confident that I don't want to commit 75,000 U.S. Troops over to Syria to be shot at by Sunnis on one side and Shias on the other...while the Allawites threaten to drop chemicals on their heads.

This is a spiritual battle and it won't be won by bombs and guns.  And no matter WHO WE HELP...the Muslims of one sect or another will always hate us.

It's a lose-lose situation for us. 

If we wake up tomorrow to find that Syria has gassed 5000 people...why would we feel any different about that than we did when Saddam gassed 5,000 of his people in the 1980's...and we yawned and went back to bed?

Maybe France, Germany or Saudi Arabia should send some troops in there to stop the blood?

Also please remember that 150 years ago, America had it's own Civil War and we killed about 600,000 of each other....and no foreign powers sent armies to break us up and hold the peace.  We slugged it out til we were broke and sick of dying...and we have held the union together ever since.

In the same way....maybe Syria needs to have their own blood letting?  Just keep the bombs in your own back yard and stay out of Israel, Jordan, Lebanon and Iraq...or they might just have to get involved.

The checkerboard of nations has become so complex and so interrelated that I'm not sure anyone is going to be able to navigate it for too much longer.

We need the Prince of Peace!!  But FIRST we must have The Tribulation...."All these things MUST happen."

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