
Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Ruins of City Found Under Ice of Antarctica?

The Bible says that in the days before the flood of Noah, it had never rained on earth...but that the plants were watered by underground springs.  It also describes what could be a dome filled with water that surrounded all the earth...thereby creating a greenhouse...and keeping the entire world the same temperature.

When the flood came, the dome in the sky, filled with water (firmament) was ripped open and deluged the world so that even the mountains were covered.  From that time on earth has never been a greenhouse....and so the poles froze up with ice.

Wow!  Maybe that could help to explain why scientists find fossils of tropical animals under the ice?

 Maybe that explains why they have found green plants under the ice on the poles?

Maybe one day they will find an ancient city under the ice of Antarctica?

That would sure rattle the scientists....and Al Gore.  What an inconvenient truth that would turn out to be!!

A California TV crew missing since November 2002, a video they left behind and a mission by U.S. Navy SEALs are the key elements in a story that claims extensive ancient ruins have been found under the ice of Antarctica. That's according to archaeologist and adventurer Jonathan Gray of World Education Research Ltd in his free newsletter Archaeology News Flash.
A spokesman for the company is reported to have said at the time that "The U.S. government said it will seek to block the airing of a video found by Navy rescuers in Antarctica that purportedly reveals that a massive archaeological dig is underway two miles (3,200 meters) beneath the ice."
"The AtlantisTV production crew that shot the video is still missing." reports Gray.
Attorneys for the Beverly Hills-based AtlantisTV stressed at the time that the company's primary concern was for the safety and welfare of the crew.
But they stated they would vigorously oppose any attempts to censor material that is clearly in the public interest and public domain.
The icy continent of Antarctica, they pointed out, belongs to no nation. The U.S. has no jurisdiction there."
"Two Navy officers who saw the tape described its contents to National Science Foundation (NSF) researchers upon their return to the Amundsen-Scott Station at the South Pole," asserts Gray in his recent newsletter.
They said it showed spectacular ruins and other things they couldn't go into, an NSF scientist reported.
We have no idea if this article is true...but what we do know is that there are LOTS of strange things happening on earth that could really rattle A LOT of people.  What they thought was right was actually wrong...and what they thought was wrong was actually right.
Just imagine if someone finds PROOF of a world-wide global flood and it confirms the biblical flood...lots of Darwinian-evolutionists are going to have their faith shaken.
Also remember that the North and South Poles are not owned by any country....but if they find valuable minerals, oil, and natural gas as the ice can bet someone will start fighting for that land.
He with the biggest guns makes the rules.  That's how earth works.

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