
Monday, March 11, 2013

Syrian Army Tank Camera

Please take 4 minutes and watch this video taken from a camera mounted to a Syrian army tank.  The tanks are driving through a suburb of Damascus.

As you watch the video you will quickly see that this part of the city is basically gone.  It's all rubble. 

The tanks will occasionally fire on sniper positions...thereby reducing the building even more into rubble.

Also notice at the beginning of the video the newscaster says that 3 million Syrian refugees could be a fact in the upcoming months.  That's a lot of folks to put in tents and expect the rest of the bankrupt world to feed.


So Damascus is almost destroyed....Assad is about ready to fall....sensing the end is near, he loads chemical weapons into warheads and makes plans to destroy his enemies in Syria and Israel...he figures that if he is going to die, he will take his enemies with them....about 15 minutes after he has the chemicals loaded into the warheads an Israeli fighter bomber comes over Damascus and drops a large nuclear weapon...the explosion cooks the chemicals into oblivion using temperatures as hot as the sun....Damascus in never inhabited again, except by goats...who nibble some grass before they die from radiation poisoning.

Isaiah 17:1, "See, Damascus will no longer be a city but will become a heap of ruins."

Afterward, Israel sends scientists into the nuclear rubble while wearing thick, rubber, airtight suits.  They find the chemical weapons stash on the outskirts of Damascus.  On the side of one of the barrels that previously held VX NERVE GAS, they see written in black letters, "MADE IN IRAQ".

They realize that Saddam Hussien really did have WMD's...but had shipped them to Syria before the U.S. led invasion.  Israel tells this to the world...and hopes that solid evidence of WMD's about to be used against them, will pardon their nuking of Damascus.

It becomes obvious to all that President Bush hadn't been lying about Saddam's WMD! 

Upon seeing the irrefutable evidence, the screaming Democrats and liberal lunatics all get on the media and publicly apologize to President Bush....and thank him for his honesty and leadership during some very difficult days following 9/11.

Come on now!! could happen!...


  1. The prophecy in Isaiah 17 has been fulfilled. Isaiah is prophesying (in this section) during the time when Syria and Israel (northern 10 tribes) have made a confederacy against Judah (southern kingdom). You can read about how Judah was fearful because of this confederacy in Isaiah 7:1-9, 8:5-13. To put it simply, these two countries were going to gang up on Judah. Here is the breakdown:

    King = Rezin
    Country = Syria
    Capitol = Damascus

    confederate with

    King = Pekah (Remaliah's son)
    Country = Israel
    Capitol = Samaria

    The mighty flowing river that will decimate them all in Isaiah 8:7-8 is the Assyrian Empire which was to the east of Syria. So when Isaiah prophesies in Isaiah 17 about the destruction of Damascus, the idea of Rezin's defeat and the defeat of the entire nation of Syria is in view.

    Now let's turn to II Kings 16 to see the fulfillment of this. You see that Isaiah 7-8 shows Isaiah prophesying during the reign of Ahaz. Here in II Kings 16 we see Ahaz on the throne in Judah, and the destruction of Damascus in just the sense that Isaiah prophesies in Isaiah 17. Here is the key verse:

    II Kings 16:9 And the king of Assyria hearkened unto him: for the king of Assyria went up against Damascus, and took it, and carried the people of it captive to Kir, and slew Rezin.

    So the city ceased to be a city when the people were taken captive and the king was slain. The fact remains that the destruction came upon Damascus and we can read about it scripture. Be a Berean.

  2. Of course that is one way to look at it...but many others see that Damascus has NEVER been totally uninhabited. There have always been peoople living there so it is still the oldest, continually inhabited city on earth.

    I'm still betting that Israel could wipe the place out if Damascus keeps playing with chemicals.

    Either way, it appears that many signs are lining up at the same time so that I will NOT be surprised if I hear a loud trumpet and Jesus calls us home.

