
Monday, April 15, 2013

Abortion Doctor on Trial

Have you guys all been paying attention to the murder trial of the abortion doctor from Philadelphia?

This murderer had a nasty house of horrors that was filthy and they would pull live babies out of the mothers then stick a scissors into the base of their neck and cut their spinal chord.  Some nurses said the babies screeched while they were being killed.

How come this isn't all over the NBC Nightly News?  Why isn't it front page in all the media circles?

Why?  Because the liberals who run our news are afraid it will cast abortion in a bad light...and abortion AGREES with their world view.

So why is the murder of 26 kids in CT still all over the front page news?  Because the liberal world view is that GUNS ARE BAD because THEY ARE DANGEROUS...and they know that a story like Sandy Hook will help them squeeze guns.

Today, I am finally seeing some minor coverage on Google News;

"The president does not and cannot take a position on an ongoing trial, so I won't as well," White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said on Monday.

Carney added, "Certainly, the things that you hear and read about this case are unsettling."
The trial is in its fifth week, and former employees have described doing ultrasounds, giving intravenous drugs and helping with abortions, even though they lacked medical training or certification, in unsanitary conditions.

One unlicensed doctor, Stephen Massof, even testified that Gosnell taught him to cut the necks of babies after they were born to ensure the babies died. Massof has pleaded guilty to two counts of third-degree murder, and seven other former employees of the unlicensed Philadelphia clinic have also been convicted in the case.

The trial started on March 18, but initially received little national media attention.
But the case has received more attention after an opinion column in Thursday's USA TODAY in which contributor Kirsten Powers criticized major media outlets for ignoring the trial.


Make no mistake folks, killing babies is wrong in God's matter how old the babies are. 

I heard someone on Focus on the Family over 10 yrs ago say, "The blood of the millions of aborted babies is crying out to their Creator for justice...and judgment will come to this nation."

I never forgot hearing that.

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