
Monday, April 15, 2013

Boston Marathon Explosions

If any of you have your TV's on right now, you know that two bombs exploded at the finish line of the Boston Marathon.  Two people confirmed dead and dozens injured.

So who did it?  Muslim suicide bombers?  White supremacist group?  Was it Iranian sleeper cells we have heard about?  Was it Al Qaida?

At this point, no one knows.

Here is what I do know....if we started having bombs going off across the country on a weekly basis at marathons, malls, sporting events, major cities, etc..., we would end up with Martial Law in a hurry...and our "free" society would implode.

Maybe this helps explain why the Department of Homeland Security ordered over a billion rounds of ammo this past year?  They know how close we are to major unrest....

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