
Friday, April 12, 2013

Black People Gone Wild

Jesus told us one sign of the Last Days would be "nation against nation."  Some commentaries say that this can also be interpreted as "race against race."

So maybe we watch for race relations to continue to deteriorate...the Latinos against the blacks, the blacks against the whites, the Somalis against the Latinos, etc...

Welcome to the new normal: Large-scale black mob violence is busting out in Philadelphia, Chicago, Utica, Jacksonville, St. Louis, Wilmington (Delaware), Greenville (South Carolina), Grand Rapids, Peoria, Springfield (Ohio), Newark, Boston and Brooklyn.

All in the last three weeks.

Police say they are baffled. Others say it is a regular meteorological event: “Large crowds and fights are not uncommon in the city in the warm weather,” said the ABC affiliate in Philadelphia.

The latest example of the new normal took place Tuesday in Philadelphia: 200 black people on the streets of the downtown financial district: fighting, vandalizing, rampaging, refusing to disperse, tossing bottles at police. It began at 4 p.m. and took police 90 minutes to restore order.

In St. Louis, 65 hours earlier, police responded to reports of a mob of 100 to 200 black people fighting and shooting guns at Leclede’s Landing, near the famous arch. Police refused to release an incident report on the violence, other than to say they thought it was a flash mob.

And a few hours before that in Jacksonville, Fla., a mob of at least 15 black people attacked a man walking home from the grocery story. Two Good Samaritans who came to his assistance saved him from further harm as the mob scattered at their approach.


Remember friends, 70% of black babies born over the past handful of years have been to SINGLE MOTHERS.  The father is absent from the home...and we all know that boys raised without fathers have a far, far higher chance of ending up in prison and being involved in violent crimes.

So how do you talk about all this without sounding racist?

If every person at the riot was black or if every person punched by a black man was white...does the reporter just dismiss it and say, "A man hit another man again today.  That's 40 men in 40 days who have been punched by other random men."?

When in reality the story is, "A black male punched and knocked out a white man for absolutely no reason except to film another clip of "The Knockout game".  White people are being targeted by roving groups of young, mostly male, black people.  When they can get a white person alone, they will beat, punch and brutalize him.  Many times the bystanders are too terrified to stop the mayhem because they don't want to be brutalized themselves."

Of course the media tries to stay away from "touchy" violence in Islam, violence in the black community, the disease ridden gay community, violent video games making murderers out of our teens, botched abortions and baby killing know?,...basically they try to stay away from reporting on anything that goes against their world view.

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