
Friday, April 12, 2013

Were Men Marrying Men BEFORE Noah's Flood?

This article was written over four years ago as the push for gay marriage was starting to gather momentum..

Of course today it seems there will be NOTHING that can stop the momentum that is pushing along the gay agenda.

Of course we are supposed to pray for God's will right up until the very end...but it sure looks like it is coming hard.

So have men married men in history past?  Yep!  Right before the flood.

Read on;

As I wrote about in my book, “The Criminalization of Christianity,” Jeffrey Satinover, who holds an M.D. from Princeton and doctorates from Yale, MIT and Harvard, was on my radio program one day and I asked him about where we are in history. He explained that according to the “Babylonian Talmud” – the book of rabbis’ interpretation of the scriptures 1,000 years before Christ, there was only one time in history that reflects where we are right now. There was only one time in history, according to these writings, where men were given in marriage to men, and women given in marriage to women.

Want to venture a guess as to when? No, it wasn’t in Sodom and Gomorrah, although that was my guess. Homosexuality was rampant there, of course, but according to the Talmud, not homosexual “marriage.” What about ancient Greece? Rome? No. Babylon? No again. The one time in history when homosexual “marriage” was practiced was … during the days of Noah. And according to Satinover, that’s what the “Babylonian Talmud” attributes as the final straw that led to the Flood.

On my Faith2Action radio program on Thursday, Rabbi Aryeh Spero verified this to be true.
Rabbi Spero spoke of God’s compassion before the Flood, in hopes people would repent and turn back to His ways. He showed patience for hundreds of years.

But, he said, the Talmud’s writings reveal that “before the Flood people started to write marriage contracts between men, in other words, homosexual ‘marriage,’ which is more than homosexual activity – it’s giving an official state stamp of approval, a sanctification … of homosexual partnership.”

In fact, he said, “the writings indicated that it wasn’t even so much the ‘straw that broke the camel’s back,’ but that the sin in and of itself is so contrary to why God created the world, so contrary to the order of God’s nature, that God said then and there ‘I have to start all over … to annihilate the world and start from the beginning. …’”


Isn't that interesting??  The last time the world, as men knew, ended, men marrying men was the final straw...according to this article anyway.

So is this even more evidence that God is about to send his Son to collect His bride, the Church?

I sure hope so! 

We need to stay busy in the harvest while we still have light in which to work.  Jesus is coming!  We need to stay focused on pleasing him and keep our minds focused on ETERNAL THINGS!!


Hat tip to Guy B.


  1. With this in light, is it any wonder homosexuals chose God's rainbow as their symbol? After the flood, God gave it to us as a promise that He would never destroy the earth with a flood again. I don't know if it was done intentionally or unintentionally, but the homosexuals choosing the rainbow is a symbol of what they are doing. Mocking God, shaking their fists at God, saying "We will do what WE want!"

  2. That is a VERY interesting observation Tea R! It would certainly fit Satan's pattern in his attempt to trump God.
