
Friday, April 12, 2013

Muslims, Jews and Christians All Want the Third Temple?

We had a Jewish Rabbi who has accepted Christ speak at our church a few months back.  After his talk I went to ask him a few questions. The conversation started one place but went to another very fast.

He told me that if a devout Jew as traveling some place and there was no synagogue to worship at in that city, that the Jew should seek out the local mosque and worship with the Muslims.

What?  Amazing!!  How can that be?

Well, remember that the Jews say there is only one God Yaweh.  The Muslims say there is only one God and his name is Allah...and he has no son and no helpers.

Of course the Christian's foundational belief is, "The Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  One in three and three in one."

So the Jews also consider the Arabs to be their less fortunate cousins...but don't argue that they all come from the same tree.

With that as a back drop, read what I found in this article today about Muslims, Jews and written by a devout Muslim.

The unique importance of the Temple Mount to Judaism and to Islam makes the location vulnerable to tensions and conflicts between Jews and Muslims. Usually, these incidents originate in rumors such as: “The Jews are coming today to bomb the mosques and build their Third Temple.” Obviously, false accusations and baseless suspicions like these turn the site from a holy place of prayer and love into a site of violent political demonstrations. And, consequently, potential escalation of tension brings more restrictions and discomfort to all. Who benefits from this? Surely not the believers.

While the Israeli government ensures limited public access to the Temple Mount regardless of religious beliefs, only Muslims are allowed to pray at the place, which is known to Muslims as Haram al-Sharif. Otherwise, the government has prohibited everyone except Muslims from worshipping there since 1967, due to security concerns. Nevertheless, Muslims, too, are occasionally restricted. The Jordanian Waqf which administers the site has restricted non-Muslims from entering the Dome of the Rock and the Al-Aqsa Mosque since the year 2000. What’s more, non-Muslim religious symbols are not allowed to be worn while entering the site.

Freedom of worship is an essential issue. The Temple Mount, where the First and Second Temples stood, is the holiest place to the people of Israel. However, it is no less holy to both Muslims and Christians. Since this is a location that God has announced to be a “house of prayer for all nations,” it should be a place of festivity for all believers. As all who call on the God of Abraham are brothers, Jews and Christians should be able to offer prayers there in dignity and peace along with Muslims. To cast believers out from such a place, to prevent worship there, is a heinous and, quite frankly, cruel policy, which is an offense not only to men, but to Islam. God Himself condemns anyone who forbids worship:


As a devout Muslim, it would be a joy for me to see Prophet Solomon’s Temple rebuilt as well. No, you did not hear me wrong. Prophet Solomon’s Temple being rebuilt in all its magnificence and glory would be a great delight for me, as it would be to any Muslim. Under different circumstances, in an atmosphere of trust, love and brotherhood, Muslims would welcome this with enthusiasm. The Temple of Solomon is also a historically important place, and rebuilding it would be a wonderful occasion for all believers to contemplate. Every Muslim, every believer, will want to experience the spirit of those days again, and strive to bring the beauty of those days back to life. Actually, it is everyone’s aspiration for that city to be adorned, to be beautified, and to regain the magnificent glory it had in the days of the Prophet Solomon.

Solomon’s Temple being rebuilt does not entail any harm to these shrines. So I beg my Muslim brothers and sisters not to take my words in a direction that I do not intend. They should not feel unease at all, because the al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock will stand until the Last Day. Nobody will be able to harm them, because they are under the protection of God. (Allah)


Have you been struggling to understand how the 3rd Temple is going to be built because you believed that the Jews and Muslims worshiped different Gods?  Are you surprised to find out that many don't believe that...but instead believe that Jews and Muslims DO worship the same god?

Do you understand where Muslims are going to spend eternity if they don't accept Christ as savior?
Do you understand where Jews are going to spend eternity if they don't accept Christ as savior?

Friends, the 3rd Temple is going to be built...because about half way through the 70th Week of Daniel (some call this entire period The Tribulation) the Antichrist will go into it, sit in the Holy of Holy's and declare himself to be God.

A ONE WORLD RELIGION is coming...and it is starting to be revealed as to how it will work.

First the rapture happens and Bible believers and Holy Spirit filled people who have accepted Christ simply vanish into thin air.  Sadly, many, many, many Methodists, Catholics, Lutherans, Covenants, Episcopalians, etc...are left behind.

Many of those who claim to be Christians but were left behind will then come under a GREAT DELUSION which God sends (2 Thessalonians) for those who HEARD the Truth, but never believed it.  Instead they created their own FALSE GOSPEL that threw away sin, repentance, hell, redemption and rejected Christ's clear words, "NO MAN COMES TO THE FATHER EXCEPT THROUGH ME."

I won't get into the "alien" thing again, but let's just say I am quite certain that a large number of the people left behind will believe that "aliens" took away "THOSE FUNDAMENTALIST TYPES OF BIBLE BANGERS."...because we were simply too divisive to enter into the age of Aquarius...or something very similar to that.

Next, the Antichrist will figure a way to sign a peace agreement between Jews and Muslims.  I'm pretty sure he will use signs and wonders to convince them both that he is a VERY SPECIAL prophet.  Some Muslims may believe he is the 12th Imam and some Jews may believe he is Elijah or some other special Jew.  It won't matter, when he calls down fire from heaven in plain view of will be very hard to NOT BELIEVE he is something sent from Yaweh/Allah.

Of course the left behind Christians will be giddy because they had been proposing Chrislam all along!!  They will spend the first 3 1/2 years making soundtracks of Kum-Ba-Yah into 56 languages and sending them all over the world...while singing, "We are the world....we are Yaweh/Allah's children...Jesus is a nice man who loves us all just like Muhammad did...there is no hell...only eternal bliss when you worship together in UNITY and SPIRIT!"

Are you getting the picture?

Jesus, please save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil.  Please come soon for your bride and then set up your kingdom on earth. We don't really want to be here much longer to watch the trash pour out of Hollywood, the porn infect our kid's minds, the gay marriage and polygamy that is soon going to sweep the land, and the financial collapse of some once great nations.

We liked America when a large part of our population was GOD FEARING.  It is painful to watch so many of our people turn into GOD MOCKERS.

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