
Saturday, April 13, 2013

Financial Lessons Forgotten Too Soon

Hey friends?  Do you think the financial mess that this world has cooked is over?  Is everything now "better" because the blessed-stock market has closed at record highs? this just the last sucking sound made by the god of money and wealth (Mammon) as he draws people back into his lair, before the whole thing REALLY implodes?

Is it possible that the 2008 financial collapse was simply a foreshadowing...and the REAL collapse is going to come sometime soon?

Four years ago, stock markets in the major developed markets hit their final lows, many having fallen 50% to 70% from their prior highs. Since that point all the policymakers in the world have been huffing and puffing, trying to put things back together again. To date their efforts have not met with sustainable success. If anything, they have been digging themselves into even deeper holes while at the same time dangerously inflating financial assets.

Our perspective has always been that the great spectacular financial crashes at that time were signposts marking the end of an era. The post-WWII period came to its Keynesian endpoint (to use a technical term). That’s the point at which the weight of debt finally broke the aging camel’s back. Factors such as changing beliefs about families, deepening idolatries, deteriorating morals, heightening corruption, and an extreme stratification of wealth were not supportive of continuing prosperity or a continuation into even greater indebtedness. This remains the case.

Yet, macro-economists and policymakers continue to think that they can solve these problems and moral issues by manipulating interest rates and printing money. It seems laughable were they not so serious. Such measures do not deal with the underlying causes or even the symptoms. The post-modern world indeed has its shamans. In recent years, the most popular have been the central bankers. A clear indication of this is the Bank of England’s (BoE) recent recruitment of the Governor of the Bank of Canada (Mark Carney). He is expected to work magic for the British economy. Just why would they pick him to be the first foreign head of the BoE since its inception over 400 years ago? If anything, confidence games such as these indicate the desperation of our times.
Most incredible recently is the growing belief of many prominent economists that the U.S. and global economies are now improving and on the road back to recovery. This outlook is not certain at all…in fact, unlikely. Only in the financial world is the expression of confidence itself taken as a sign of improvement. It is all a process of the blind leading the blind.
There are many glaring facts that do not fit the picture of ruddy confidence. These are conveniently ignored. Why? Because to do otherwise would undermine precious “confidence.”
Friends, we have been saying for over four years now...the WHOLE SYSTEM is based on confidence!  When the confidence vanishes then the whole system will fall like a house of cards.
We have no suggestion of where a SAFE HAVEN on earth will be when it falls.  The only thing we know for sure is that putting it in heaven NOW will guarantee that moth and rust (and inflation and collapse) will never destroy it.
Some clients have said, "But Dennis! I only have $5 million dollars to last me til I die!  I can't give it away!"
Some clients have said, "But Dennis!  I only have $2 million dollars to last me until I die!
Some clients have said, "But Dennis!  I only have $750,000 to last me until I die!"
Do we have faith in Christ to care for us...or have we put all of our faith in our built up, paper money supplies...aka Mammon?
Jesus said, "You cannot worship God and Mammon."

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