
Monday, April 1, 2013

Gateway to "Hell" Discoverd in Turkey

Here is a pretty interesting article that has found its way onto the front page of Google News today.

It gives us a glimpse into the Satanic practices that were being done on earth...and which Christ came to free us from.

A “gate to hell” has emerged from ruins in southwestern Turkey, Italian archaeologists have announced.

Known as Pluto's Gate -- Ploutonion in Greek, Plutonium in Latin -- the cave was celebrated as the portal to the underworld in Greco-Roman mythology and tradition.

Historic sources located the site in the ancient Phrygian city of Hierapolis, now called Pamukkale, and described the opening as filled with lethal mephitic vapors.

“We could see the cave's lethal properties during the excavation. Several birds died as they tried to get close to the warm opening, instantly killed by the carbon dioxide fumes,” D'Andria said.

Only the eunuchs of Cybele, an ancient fertility goddess, were able to enter the hell gate without any apparent damage.

“They hold their breath as much as they can,” Strabo wrote, adding that their immunity could have been due to their "menomation," “divine providence” or “certain physical powers that are antidotes against the vapor.”

According to D'Andria, the site was a famous destination for rites of incubation. Pilgrims took the waters in the pool near the temple, slept not too far from the cave and received visions and prophecies, in a sort of oracle of Delphi effect. Indeed, the fumes coming from the depths of Hierapoli's phreatic groundwater produced hallucinations.

During the 6th century A.D., the Plutonium was obliterated by the Christians. Earthquakes may have then completed the destruction.


Hallucinations, fertility goddesses, eunuchs of Cybele, oracle of Dephi, wonder the Christians obliterated the site!!

No wonder man needed a Savior!!

Thank you Jesus for freeing us from this Satanic mess!

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