
Tuesday, April 2, 2013

"Downfall of Civilization and Jesus Will Come Back'

This article in Time caught my attention because I saw the words, "Jesus will come back."

A singer named Michelle Shocked, told her CA audience (many of whom were gay) that "God hates fags!"   It turns out that many of her fans had always assumed that the singer was gay herself.

There’s never a good time or place to go on an anti-gay tirade, but onstage at a club in San Francisco owned by a gay man, in front of many gay fans, is probably near the bottom of the list.

Michelle Shocked, a singer-songwriter whose sexuality was once fairly ambiguous, stunned fans Sunday night at Yoshi’s Jazz Club with a homophobic rant, according to USA Today. The 51-year-old singer reportedly said that if California’s Proposition 8, which effectively bans gay marriage, is overturned, “it will be the downfall of civilization, and Jesus will come back.”

As her rant went on, fans left the show en masse. Yahoo Music reports that Yoshi’s sound operator, a gay man, finally pulled the plug and asked Shocked to leave the stage, though she managed to shout “You can go on Twitter and say, ‘Michelle Shocked says God hates f–s!’” to what remained of the confused audience before departing.

The fact that Shocked was widely believed to be gay makes the whole thing no less, well, shocking. After beating out the Indigo Girls and Tracy Chapman for a 1989 Grammy, Shocked joked that the award should have been for “Best Lesbian Vocalist.” And in a 1990 interview with the now-defunct Chicago gay dispatch Outlines, she talked about the fluidity of her sexuality, waxing nostalgic about her first sexual experience with a woman.

But Shocked became a born again Christian and joined the West Angeles Church of Christ choir in the 1990s; in 2008, she told gay newspaper the Dallas Voice that she considers homosexuality a sin.

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It is a sad story really.  God doesn't hate people with homosexual desires anymore than he hates all men who have lustful desires. (which is about 100% of men during some part of their lives)  And declaring yourself to be a Christian and then screaming "God hates fags!" at a bunch of gay people is certainly NOT what Jesus would have us do.

God hates sins...not sinners.

However, please remember that if you die in your sin without the cleansing blood of Jesus Christ to cover will not be entering the Kingdom.

As our pastor said a few weeks ago, "There are two roads at leads to eternal separation from Christ, called hell, and the other leads to Christ.  It's your choice what road you choose."

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