
Tuesday, April 2, 2013

EMP Destroying America In Headlines Again

If a nuke was ever exploded in the atmosphere above the USA (called an Electro Magnetic Pulse) it could collapse our power grid.  If the electricity went out for months...America would descend into anarchy and chaos and would very likely not survive.

Seriously??  Just one bomb and it could all be over?


WASHINGTON – U.S. officials quietly are expressing concern that North Korea could use its “space launch vehicle” to explode a high-altitude nuclear device over the United States, creating an electromagnetic pulse that would destroy major portions of the U.S. electrical grid system as well as the nation’s critical infrastructures.

The concern is so great that U.S. officials who watch North Korea closely are continually monitoring the status of the North Korean “space launch vehicle,” whose status could suggest a pre-emptive nuclear strike against the United States.

This concern recently has been reinforced by a little-publicized study by the U.S. Army War College that said a nuclear detonation at altitude above a U.S. city could wipe out the electrical grid for hundreds, possibly thousands of miles around.

The impact would be catastrophic.

“Preparing for months without a commercial source of clean water (city water pressure is often dependent on electric pumping to storage towers) and stoppage of sewage treatment facilities will require net methods of survival particularly in populated areas,” the military study said.

The May 2011 study, titled, “In the Dark: Military Planning for a Catastrophic Critical Infrastructure Event,” concluded that there is “very little” in the way of backup capability to the electric grid upon which the communications infrastructure is vitally dependent.

No water?  No food?  No lights?  No cell phones?  No inter net?  No TV?  No gasoline?  No hot water?

People would turn on each other in the first day.

Wow!  That sure sounds a lot like the start of The Great Tribulation.

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