
Wednesday, April 3, 2013


I recieved this link today in a financial newsletter that comes to me about once per week.

The link takes you to a video from School House Rock.  Many of us probably remember this series of educational cartoons that were played on Saturday mornings in between the REAL cartoons.

In the video, called TYRANNOSAURUS DEBT, please understand that it was written in 1996 when our National debt stood at $5 trillion.

Today it is close to $17 trillion. 

I believe most of us realize that this fiasco simply can't continue.  One day our cheap borrowing will all end.

What we don't know is WHEN that day will be. 

We also don't know how disruptive that day will be to our lifestyles.

  Will America enter into a slow fade like Great Britain did 100 years ago?...or will it be a terrifying run on the banks which leads to riots and unrest as we are witnessing in other countries who have hit their credit limits?

See video here;

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