
Thursday, April 4, 2013

DOW 3300?? Real Estate Collapse?? Gold at $750??

As we all know, the DOW stock index has been very volatile.  In fall of 2007 it reached over 14,000...only to fall down to 6500 in March of 2009.  Since then it has now climbed back to 14,500.

But where is it going from here?

The fact is that NO BODY KNOWS.

One reason it has been climbing is because the Federal Reserve has been pumping $billions of dollars of "created out of thin air" currency into the system.  With that much money flooding the financial system and bank interest rates at near 0%...the money simply HAS TO GO into the stock market...thereby driving up stock prices.

Back in 1990, I was at a financial convention in Las Vegas and heard a man named Harry Dent speak.  He told us very clearly that he believed the stock market was going to go up HUGE because all the baby boomers were in their peak spending years.  When millions of people with lots of cash and good paying jobs start buying stuff, it heats up the economy and drives corporate earnings up...thereby driving up stock prices.

Also with all those folks adding to 401(k)'s and other retirement plans, which mostly invest in stocks...stock prices had only one way to go...and that was up!

He was correct on that call.

After the presentation, I asked him what happens when all those same baby boomers start retiring and selling those stocks?  Could the same rising market come crashing down?  He told me, "Yes".

Today, I received this email from Harry Dent's organization.  He is now saying the market is going to tank...IN A REALLY BIG WAY!

Dear Dennis,
The man who predicted nearly every major economic trend over the past 30 years… including the 1991 recession, Japan’s lost decade, the 2001 tech crash, the bull market and housing boom of the last decade and, most recently, the credit and housing bubble…

Now predicts the DOW is going to crash.

In fact, world-renowned economist Harry Dent says, “We’ll see an historic drop to 6,000… and when the dust settles – it’ll plummet to 3,300. Along the way, we’ll see another real estate collapse, gold will sink to $750 an ounce and unemployment will skyrocket… It’s going to get ugly.”

Considering his near-perfect track record of predicting economic events long before they occur, I certainly wouldn’t bet against him.

That’s why I urge you to see his research, and what he sees in store for the months and years ahead. It’s not pretty.

But if you position yourself properly, it could just be the most lucrative and rewarding time of your life.

Is he going to be correct??  Could some people get totally wiped out...while others may end up with "the most lucrative and rewarding time of your life"?

Who knows??

What I do know is that the Bible clearly says that right before Jesus returns to the earth, the financial systems of the kingdoms left on earth are going to be wiped out...and lots of folks who initially made lots of money during the first half of The Tribulation are also going to be wiped out.

Revelation 18

And the kings of the world who committed adultery with her and enjoyed her great luxury will mourn for her as they see the smoke rising from her charred remains. 10 They will stand at a distance, terrified by her great torment. They will cry out,
“How terrible, how terrible for you,
O Babylon, you great city!
In a single moment
God’s judgment came on you.”

11 The merchants of the world will weep and mourn for her, for there is no one left to buy their goods. 12 She bought great quantities of gold, silver, jewels, and pearls; fine linen, purple, silk, and scarlet cloth; things made of fragrant thyine wood, ivory goods, and objects made of expensive wood; and bronze, iron, and marble. 13 She also bought cinnamon, spice, incense, myrrh, frankincense, wine, olive oil, fine flour, wheat, cattle, sheep, horses, chariots, and bodies—that is, human slaves.

14 “The fancy things you loved so much
are gone,” they cry.
“All your luxuries and splendor
are gone forever,
never to be yours again.”
The Bible clearly tells us to lay up our treasures in heaven.  Only when they are on deposit in the Kingdom of God will moth and rust never destroy them.
Of course we still need to buy groceries and make mortgage payments until the Lord returns in the rapture for the thousand dollar question is; "How much do I keep for earthly reasons and how much to I send on ahead?"
That is certainly a question that we all need to be asking Jesus directly through daily conversations with our Savior.


  1. Harry S. Dent Jr. hit it when he said the economy would be driven by demographics. He did miss the meltdown, but his demographic studies are always interesting.
    I also got tuned in to Harry S back in the early 90's. his first book and predictions nailed it, he has struggled since, but I am willing to look closer at what he says now that he has more experience and has been humbled a couple of times.

  2. Yes for sure Mr Dent has missed some calls as of late. I agree with you that the demographics are interesting. How long can an upside down pyramid balance itself? If we have two retired people and they only had two kids to pay into SS, Medicare, taxes, etc... how long can that system stand? We would need to have LOTS of immigration to support that. And of course America is the LEAST WORST when it comes to the demographics of the Western nations. Europe is dying. Russia is basically comitting suicide with their birth rates. If Harry is right on this would be hard to understand how anarchy wouldn't result if the DOW goes to 3300. Can you imagine the underfunded pension plans all over the country??
