
Thursday, April 4, 2013

1 in 4 Americans Think Obama is The Antichrist

Uh-oh.  This can't go well for building unity in America.

About one in four Americans suspect that President Barack Obama might be the antichrist, more than a third believe that global warming is a hoax and more than half suspect that a secretive global elite is trying to set up a New World Order, according to a poll released on Tuesday.

The survey, which was conducted by Public Policy Polling, asked a sample of American voters about a number of conspiracy theories, phrasing the questions in eye-catching language that will have the country's educators banging their heads on their desks. The study revealed that 13% of respondents thought Obama was "the antichrist", while another 13% were "not sure" – and so were at least appeared to be open to the possibility that he might be. Some 73% of people were able to say outright that they did not think Obama was "the antichrist".

The survey was carried out in order to explore how voters' political beliefs impact on their willingness to embrace conspiracy theories – it did indeed find that the partisan divide that is blamed for many problems in Washington DC also extends to the world of paranoia, aliens and Sasquatch. For example, when it comes to thinking global warming is a hoax some 58% of Republicans agreed and 77% of Democrats disagreed. While 20% of Republicans believed Obama is the antichrist heralding the End Times, only 13% of independents did and just 6% of Democrats.

"Even crazy conspiracy theories are subject to partisan polarization, especially when there are political overtones involved. But most Americans reject the wackier ideas out there about fake moon landings and shape-shifting lizards," said PPP president Dean Debnam.


Shape shifting lizards??  Hey...that sounds like aliens!!

Remember friends, "A kingdom divided shall not stand."...and this nation is seriously divided.

For those of us who believe what the Bible says, "...the whole world is under the control of the evil one."...believing that Satan is pulling the strings to put together a ONE/NEW WORLD ORDER is not is TRUTH!!

But if only a few of us actually believe the can see how the majority will soon relegate us to the "lunatic fringe" department.  And once we are labeled as "lunatics" will much easier to persecute us.

Also, for the record...I do believe in Bigfoot!!  But he isn't some sort of lost human stuck in an evolutionary stage.  Nope!  I believe it is just another deception being manipulated by the Prince of the Earth.  Did you realize that many Bigfoot sightings coincide with UFO sightings in the area?

Crazy Bigfoot... Hey, maybe he is the dude who is mutilating all the cattle using a laser scalpel??

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