
Friday, April 5, 2013

The "Gray Divorce" Boom

It used to be that older people who had been married for a really long time simply didn't get divorced.  The stuck it out...because they had made a promise.

But no longer!  If Al Gore can chuck Tipper and Arnold can shuck Maria...and they are in their 60's...why can't the rest of us shed our old wives and trade them in for someone younger, and more fun?  After only go around once in life...why not have it be as fun as possible?

Until recently, it would have been fair to say that older people simply did not get divorced. Fewer than 10% of those who got divorced in 1990 were ages 50 or older. Today, 1 in 4 people getting divorced is in this age group.

It turns out that those high-profile breakups of Tipper and Al Gore, and Maria Shriver and Arnold Schwarzenegger, were part of a trend. Baby boomers, who drove the huge increase in divorce that began during the 1970s and persisted through the early 1980s, are at it again. Just as they have transformed other arenas of U.S. social life, boomers are now reshaping the contours of divorce.


The rise in "gray divorce" is a product of dramatic changes in the meaning of marriage in America over the last half-century. Today, we live in an era of individualized marriage, in which those who wed have high expectations for marital success. Americans expect marriage to provide them not simply with stability and security but also with self-fulfillment and personal satisfaction. Roles are flexible; the traditional breadwinner-homemaker model is no longer the status quo. Good spouses engage in open communication and are best friends. This is a high bar for many to achieve, let alone maintain over decades while juggling work and child-rearing.




Holy disaster friends!!  Can you really imagine that this society is going to last much longer?? 

God designed a holy institution where ONE MAN left his family and married ONE WOMAN and promised before God, his family and friends that they would care for each other in sickness and health, for better or for worse TIL DEATH DID THEM PART.

It has nothing to do with self satisfaction!!  It has everything to do with teaching us to be holy!

Jesus doesn't leave us simply because we are sick, poor, or "no fun" anymore...and marriage is supposed to be a symbol of this unconditional love that Christ has for us.

But of course, the world wants NOTHING to do with the things of God.

So now we do whatever feels good.

This nation is literally running away from God.

"There was on king, so everyman did as he saw fit."

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