
Thursday, April 18, 2013

Honey Bees at Risk of Extinction

We have posted about the vanishing honey bees a few times over the years...and it is still not getting any better...they are still vanishing.

Albert Einstein told us that if the honeybees were every to disappear from earth, mankind would have three years left before we became extinct.

The cold winter hasn’t just upset retailers trying to sell spring clothes.

The freezing temperatures have also led to shrinking honeybee populations in the U.S., according to George Hansen, president of the American Beekeeping Federation. This may seem like small potatoes – if not for the fact that honeybees pollinate $15 billion of U.S. crops, according to the USDA.

“We’re probably looking at 40% losses of colonies over this winter,” says George Hansen, the president of the American Beekeeping Federation.

Declining colony numbers are thought to be caused by a number of factors, including pesticides and the mysterious “Colony Collapse Disorder,” which Hansen says causes bees to suddenly disappear from the hive.

“I’ve seen a 65% loss over the winter … generally the loss would only range from 5% to 15%,” says Cathy Wolko of the Connecticut-based Humble Honey Bee Honey Company.

Crops around the country, including apples, pears and berries, are also pollinated by honeybees and may be affected by weak hives. Connecticut Apiary Inspector Mark Creighton, who monitors hive health around the state, says this year may be the first time the Constitution State will need to bring in honeybees from other states to pollinate crops.

“33% of our food items are pollinated by honeybees,” says Creighton. “What would our diet look like without 33% of our produce?”

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Well...let's see....what would our lives look like without 33% of our produce?

First off the price of food would skyrocket making MANY folks in the USA experience hunger for the first time since the Depression.

Secondly the Government Food Stamp program would expand from the 47,000,000 it is already feeding to maybe 90,000,000...and since the program is already going broke and the government supporting it is going broke AND the cost of food the government has to buy would be skyrocketing....this would also fail.

Farmers would be going out of business meaning they would pay NO TAXES into the system.  In addition there would be no sales tax collected normally from people buying almonds, grapes, vegetables, etc...since there would be less food to tax.

Hungry people are un-restful crime would increase as some folks looked for opportunities to steal things from other folks.

Things would continue to deteriorate from there.

And all this would happen simply because bees vanished.

Friends, just when you think you are controlling your own bank account, your career, your hobbies, your cattle herd, your garden, your retirement, etc.... you realize that YOU ARE IN CONTROL OF NOTHING.

If God allows the bees to vanish...your 401k, your house, your fancy car and you cool pickup truck and anything else you value, will be MEANINGLESS.

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