
Thursday, April 18, 2013

U.S. to Deploy 200 Troops to Jordan

OK, this article is interesting in and of itself because the U.S. is deploying parts of the military to another Middle East country.

The US will deploy 200 troops to Jordan in the coming weeks in a bid to support that country’s defenses, Washington says, as the Syrian crisis escalates.

The Wednesday statement came from US Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel in Congress. He said the deployment will assist the efforts to contain violence on the Syrian border, as well as set the groundwork for combating any perceived threats of chemical weapons use in Syria.
The troops of the 1st Armed Division will arrive to replace the US forces already stationed in the country for a few months. The new deployment will now also include specialists in the fields of intelligence, operations and logistics. It has also been said the troops will include commanding officers to lay the future groundwork for coordinating a larger deployment, if the need arises.


BUT THE COMMENTS following the article are the REALLY INTERESTING PART.  It would appear that there are lots of Israel and America haters commenting.

This War is all about Israel stealing Water from Syria and next from
Jordan, the Water Wars

if US didn't arm and support Israel, invade Iraq, support unrest, would be less violence in region

Mohammed in Q'uran again and again condemns jews as being "Bad Muslims" for their Moneylending.

Americans worship the golden calf of the israhell. Worshipping the useless dollar!Stupid goyim!

Wars are Eating up Entire Western World. If they don't Stop Wars they will Die soon like Romans.

It's about time" Good point and someone does need to teach the zionists a lesson.

let world war III begin, and once and for all cleanse this world from filthy evil US israel people

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