
Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Is Jesus' Return Doom and Gloom?

For any of us who love talking about prophecy and the return of Jesus Christ we have all experienced the look of fear, disbelief, confusion and even ridicule that other folks give us.  The sad thing is when you get that look from someone who has been sitting in church for the past 40 years.

Today I ran across three things in rapid succession that were talking about scoffers.  First off I read Jan Markell's article, next I got in the car and David Jeremiah was preaching on how America better wake up.  And then I turned on my computer at the office and Pastor Greg Laurie had a devotion with this Bible passage from 2 Corinthians 2:16:

To those who are perishing, we are a dreadful smell of death and doom. But to those who are being saved, we are a life-giving perfume. And who is adequate for such a task as this?

It would appear that MANY FOLKS who lean into prophecy are getting the same message at the same time!

Here are some of the comments from Jan Markell's article about scoffers;

Excuse me while I rant. I think Bible prophecy gets a bad rap. I think that those of us who long for Jesus' return are marginalized in the church today. I even think there is a war on Bible prophecy starting in our seminaries. The carnage is played out in our churches that across-the-board stay away from the subject. The fact that the King is coming is seen as bad news to many because the event is shrouded in the world's bad news.

But my perplexity goes beyond this. As a ministry, we have asked ourselves just how we can get the under age 45 crowd out to our events. Todd Strandberg of Rapture Ready writes about this as well. He says, "Every time I go to a prophecy conference, I can't help but notice the sea of gray hair in the main meeting room. A few years back, at a conference in South Carolina, there wasn't a single person under age 50 -- and we had over 500 people in attendance." 
Another e-mail emphasizes how terrified young mothers are concerning our times. They simply interpret all current/prophetic events as doom and gloom. Their world and their families must not be touched. See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil. A sanitized world!    
Whether anybody gets excited about it or not, Jesus is coming again and soon. Whether those who are excited about that are young, middle age, or old, is irrelevant. His coming will be right on time. Then the final days will play out exactly as the Bible outlines. It's a sure thing that those days will be frightful.

Let's prepare ourselves for perilous times. We're in them. The signs of the times are screaming at us!
Jesus told us that when we see ALL THESE THINGS happening at the same time...then sober up and look up because our redemption is near.  How exciting is that?  Just imagine if WE ARE THE GENERATION that never dies and actually hears the trumpet and gets transformed in the twinkling of an eye into our eternal bodies!!
What a day...glorious day, that will be!
How come others seem discouraged by all the gloomy news for planet earth?  Because they have FALLEN IN LOVE with this world and they spend almost NO TIME focusing on eternal things. 
This world is NOT OUR HOME!  So let's show a little enthusiasm and eagerness as the signs increase that our homecoming is close.

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