
Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Some Arab States Ready for Peace with Israel

The Sunni Muslims obviously don't like the Shiite Muslims.  Iran is Shiite plus they are Persians and NOT Arabs.

So here is some interesting news and also MAYBE a foreshadowing of the peace plan that the Antichrist will be implementing.  It appears that the Sunni Gulf States may want to use their mutual mistrust of Iran to build some bridges with Israel.

Israel should publicly commend Bahrain for labeling Hezbollah a terrorist organization and it should try to build strategic alliances with all Gulf states based on a common opposition to Iran’s nuclear ambitions, a prominent American rabbi with ties to the Bahraini royal family said.

Rabbi Marc Schneier, an American congregational leader who recently met with the Bahraini king and the crown prince, urged Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to visit an Arab country and seize Israel and Sunni Muslims’ common distrust of Tehran as a path toward warming relations with parts of the Arab world.
However, an expert on the politics of the gulf states said that while Bahrain’s move to blacklist Hezbollah did present “an opening,” a real improvement of bilateral ties remains elusive and would likely stay under the radar.
“We’re so myopic, we’re so focused on Europe, and here you have a very significant development that took place in Bahrain,” Schneier told The Times of Israel, referring to the tiny Gulf state’s recent decision to declare Hezbollah a terrorist organization. “I am calling for a conversation to take place, a conversation that needs to begin within Israel about looking east, not only looking west.”
Schneier bemoaned the fact that the Bahraini parliament’s March 26 decision to outlaw the Lebanese-Shiite group received little press coverage in Israel, and that Jerusalem didn’t comment at all.
So keep watching for peace!  It WILL HAPPEN...but not until after the rapture.
Can you hear the footsteps of Messiah?

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