
Sunday, April 7, 2013

Islamists Rally to Hang "Atheist" Bloggers

Uh-oh...sounds like the angry Muslims in Bangladesh want to hang any bloggers who don't believe Allah is God and also that Muhammad is a prophet of god who is greater than Jesus.

I better hope they don't make it to Buffalo, MN or I may have a fatwa on my head...because I am a atheist of Islam.

Hundreds of thousands of hardline Islamists rallied in Bangladesh’s capital on Saturday to demand authorities enact anti-blasphemy laws punishing bloggers and those believed to have insulted Islam.
“God is great – hang the atheist bloggers!” some chanted, according to the Agence France-Presse and Al Jazeera.
“I’ve come here to fight for Islam. We won’t allow any bloggers to blaspheme our religion and our beloved Prophet Mohammed,” Shahidul Islam, an imam who reportedly walked 20km to be at the rally, said.
International reports indicate the bloggers have been stirring controversy by seeking punishment for Islamist leaders found guilty of war crimes during the nation’s 1971 independence war against Pakistan. Bangladesh says as many as 3 million people were killed and 200,000 women raped by Pakistani troops and local collaborators during the horrific war.
The bloggers also want a ban on Jamaat-e-Islami, the country’s largest Islamic party, for campaigning against Bangladesh’s independence more than four decades ago. But they deny the allegation that they are atheists.
Hey blogger dudes in Bangladesh, doesn't really matter what you deny....when the Muslim horde turns on you and accuses you of pretty much better go into hiding or get the heck out of Muslim-land.  Because if they find you, there will be no trial, no tolerance, no mercy, no will be lynched and killed and probably dragged through the streets while the Muslim horde screams "Allah Akbar!!" at the top of their lungs.
The lesson is...don't criticize or even question the Satanic religion of Islam...because you will be in trouble if the horde gets a hold of you.
Jesus, please do something good with the horde.

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