
Saturday, April 6, 2013

UN Agency "Broke" as Syrian Refugees Pile Up

As homes and businesses continue to be blown to smithereens in Syria, the people run for their lives and really have no place to go.  They try crossing the borders into Jordan, Turkey or Lebanon and hope to make it into a UN refugee camp.

Now remember, these folks have literally run from their homes with nothing but the shirt on their backs.

So how long can the United Nations feed, house, toilet and shower these folks?  Where does the United Nations get the money to do this?

How many nations can implode and then require United Nations refugee support before the United Nations simply runs out of money, tents, toilets and showers? 

What will all these people do now that their cities, towns and homes are reduced to rubble?

A UN agency has said it will soon be unable to provide "life-saving" aid to Syrian refugees in Jordan and other countries due to funds running out.

"The needs are rising exponentially and we are broke," said Marixie Mercado, a spokeswoman for children's charity Unicef.

Some 1.2 million Syrians have fled since the uprising began in March 2011.

Around 385,500 have escaped to Jordan, with figures set to triple by the end of the year, Ms Mercado said.

This would bring the number of Syrian refugees there close to 1.2 million - the equivalent of one-fifth of Jordan's total population.

"Since the beginning of year, more than 2000 refugees have streamed across the border [into Jordan] every day," Ms Mercado told reporters at a UN news conference in the Swiss city of Geneva on Friday.


I wonder if Saudi Arabia would ever pony up a few $billion to feed and house their Arab cousins?  How about the Iranians?  They all claim to care so much about the Palestinian about supporting the Syrian Arabs?

Yeah...that ain't gonna happen. 

So instead it will still be up to the "rich" Western Nations to figure out a plan how to clean up the mess that Islam is creating...because Lord knows they won't help each other.

And now that the rich Western nations are shown to be bankrupt....there are really gonna be some serious problems coming with millions upon millions of displaced, hungry and unhappy Arabs that no one has the money to feed.

At this point all we can do is pray that these people will have their hearts softened to the message of Jesus Christ.  It would be nice if we humans would come to Jesus during times of plenty and times of blessings....but sadly many of us only come through intense hardship, misery, pain and suffering.

So if that's what it takes to open their eyes to their failed system of Muhammad and Allah...then let's pray for the Lord of the Harvest to work His wonderful ways as big segments of Islam begin to collapse.

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