Monday, April 8, 2013

U.S. Troops on North Korean Border Would "Die"

You know, being the world's policeman for the past six or seven decades hasn't been cheap. 

We've had 30,000 soldiers sitting on the DMZ separating North Korea from South Korea since 1955.  I'm guessing that has cost us some serious treasure.

Oh well.  Remember NOT to use that fact the next time you hear a liberal rant about the expense of the "BUSH LIED" war in Iraq....because it will freak them out...and freaked out liberals are almost worse than feral cats hiding in your hay loft. 

But if you do decide to freak them out, then go on to remind them of the enormous cost of keeping troops in Germany and Japan for the last 70 years.  That thought will get them sputtering...

So what happens if North Korea gets trigger happy and they decide to follow through on their threats of attacking America and South Korea?

According to one analyst...then thousands of U.S. soldiers on the border, "would all die."

WASHINGTON – If North Korea were to launch an attack, U.S. intelligence analysts tell WND the barrage of hundreds of thousands of artillery rounds and missiles would destroy not only South Korea’s capital, Seoul, but also most of the U.S. troops stationed primarily around the capital and near the Demilitarized Zone separating the two countries.

“The 28,500 guys on the border are a speed bump and a trigger for war,” a U.S. intelligence officer who is closely monitoring North Korean activities told WND in an exclusive interview. “They probably would die.”

He explained, “Every U.S. and South Korean (location) already has a pre-programmed target reference point by the North Koreans.”

The initial assessment by this and other U.S. intelligence analysts give a grim picture of the initial onslaught of an attack initiated by North Korea.


One would sure wonder if that would spark WWIII?  Think about it....

As the news came back and was aired on Fox News and CNN showing thousands of corpses blown to smithereens...the call for retaliation would be intense.  Shoot, we went to war in Afghanistan and Iraq over 3,000 folks in the World Trade Towers...

Of course the Arab-Muslims would see the photos and they would start celebrating and handing out sweets in the street while they all drive around shooting guns into the air, waving PLO flags and holding up posters of their new hero, Kim Jung Un.

Also it may be a trigger point for our other enemies to "hit us while we are down"...and the Muslims may decide to come after Israel and the Chinese may decide to come after Japan.  The Lord knows we certainly can't defend them all while launching a full military retaliation on North Korea and winding up wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

For now we need to file this one under, "There will be wars and rumors of war."

Also now may be a good time to ponder the question, "Why is America found no where in Bible prophecy?"


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